They're putting pebbles on top of my ac unit thingy outside. The pebbles fall in and make noise. Im afraid of the rocks breaking it. They're always in my yard and if I had the money I'd install a fence.
Those kids need to learn their boundaries and respect for other people's property. Kids that don't learn this become adults who don't follow the rules or respect other people's property. Young thugs equals future criminals and convicts. Yes, dropping pebbles into the unit can easily case damage or even breaks and hole in the units Freon line. It's not a cheap fix. Can you get a big dog from a shelter for an outside pet? A dog will protect his owner and his property.
@KingofBones1 You need a Class III for an M14, which the M1A is its civilian version. My dead maternal uncle did three tours in Vietnam as a Junior Infantry Officer with the US Army in the mid to late 60's, him and his Platoons carried M14s, he hated M16s with a passion.
@NativePortlander1970 yes I know all the fun toys are outlawed that's actually why I just got out of federal prison I had a chop down automatic 12 gauge with a speed stock side saddle and seizure light. They did not like the fact that I had that in the trunk of my car LOL who would have thought. Vietnam? Yeah my father flew f4's off the old boat and the America, my grandfather was one of the two colonels on Guam in community iron dukes who did the arclights over Hanoi, my Uncle Pete was a second lieutenant in the Marine corps and his brother was killed at khe sanh with the third Marines in 68. Personally I did my time in sandbox and the Balkan ski resort as well as a couple various places like East Timor and Burkina Faso you're right the early M16 was a piece of s*** and the AK-47 the enemy carried a much better in Superior weapon always was and always will be in my opinion even to the m4
Fimd out who their parents are and serve them with tresspassing and willful attempted destruction of property, but make sure you have video surveillamce as proof first.
@NativePortlander1970 "I want him charged with willful attempted destruction of property!" Have you had much interaction with police over these matters?
@JohnnySpot Do you know how much it costs to repair an outside a/c unit if even one single rock damages an internal part? We'll let you pay it. And yes, I have seven years security experience, one of my longer posts was doing residential patrols, I lost track of how many reports I had to write, and calls to law enforcement I had to make, because of how kid's pranks would destroy the property of others.