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I Need to Rant

Dogs are not better than people. You are just extremely antisocial and lack the empathy it takes to love something that isn't bred specifically to please you.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
All animals are better than people regardless if they can "please" me or not. That doesn't mean "I hate all people." I've only heard your type of argument in people that hate cats (ironically they say the same as you and their dog lovers) so you're generalizing just as much as cat haters.

Also, it's implying that people have kids out of selfless reasons, one can argue many reasons why having kids is a selfish act for some people (not all) but a lot.
@SatanBurger Yes,it is. I'm obvious about that.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@EllaDisenchanted I love animals 😊
@SatanBurger And so do I
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I can be anti-social at a times when I feel a need to be, but I am not exactly an extrovert either. I definitely do not lack empathy toward others...but I'm still a dog person. I have found (and in my opinion based on my experiences) that dogs are the most interactive animal with humans on the planet, other animals are to an extent but dogs are more so. Raised and trained right, they can make wonderful non-human companions, there's a reason they've been given the title of "man's best friend" when no other animal has.
i don’t see how being anti social and lacking empathy goes together but otherwise i agree with your argument
@SW-User THey often go together if you observe how an actually antisocial person usually lacks empathy. That sample.
@EllaDisenchanted i know lots of antisocial people who don’t lack empathy at all. hell, i am antisocial. i’ve never heard this before nor have i witnessed it. also in my experience it’s mostly extroverts who are dog people
@SW-User I'm far more a buffalo people
Quizzical · 46-50, M
People tend to be complete assholes, most dogs are pleasant.
@Quizzical you need to find better people to be around

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