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ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Are there women's shelters where you live? You clearly need to get out of this house where you are in grave physical as well as psychological danger.
@ServantOfTheGoddess i used to want to run away but now i dont care anymore i dont know why i didnt even cry. i feel numb
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@dragonteeth a friend you can go to? You have to get out of where you are now!
@ServantOfTheGoddess no
i think ill get murdered here

I would recommend going to the police if possible.
@dragonteeth you really shouldn't listen to them. what's happening to you is unacceptable.
@SW-User I don't feel like a person anymore and I sometimes feel like I don't recognize my parents, and I blame my brother for that. I feel like I would have been a different person if he didn't exist.
@dragonteeth yeah I'm sure it would be a lot easier if you were at least away from him. i hope you're able to mange to speak to police soon.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
If he's still beating you when you're 21. You gotta defend yourself. Spray him with pepper spray. Start filming whenever he approaches you aggressively and so on.
@Queendragonfly i think i dont care anymore, cause im having suicidal thoughts
Nanori · F
Leave that environment asap, if you don't have anyone u can go to find a dorm
Santi96 · 26-30

Watch this save your life go to police report them social services look after you if your in usa
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
File a complaint with the police. Battery is a crime.
jesus, that sounds horrible.

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