I love this story, which supports what you are saying.
A man was pulling into the parking lot of his pharmacy...nice spot right out front. Suddenly, another car cut him off, pulled into the spot nearly clipping him, and the driver jumped out and ran into the pharmacy.
The man who had been cut off was shaken, and furious. He finally found another parking spot, and parked...just in time to see the man who had cut him off jump back into his car and speed off.
"What a dangerous a$$hole!!!" the man thought to himself...and walked into the pharmacy where he asked the pharmacist for his prescription.
The pharmacist chatted with him while getting his prescription..."I feel so sorry for the man who was here just before you." he said. " You might have seen him rushing out the door...his daughter has a VERY high fever. If those antibiotics don't work and the fever doesn't come down they will have to take her to the emergency room!"
The man who had been cut off and who had been SO furious, now had a different way of seeing the "dangerous a$$hole" who had cut him off.
There are always two sides to every story.