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Pfuzylogic · M
my daughter had one when she was around 6 years old and we exercised it out. I had a great aunt who grew up that way and she stayed single.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Pfuzylogic Good for you! Glad your daughter is ok.
Pfuzylogic · M
She landed herself a fellah
She landed herself a fellah
i tend to look at their nose
My son when he was younger had this kinda wandering eye. But only when really focusing on something. I know he was self conscious.
My son when he was younger had this kinda wandering eye. But only when really focusing on something. I know he was self conscious.
@Bexsy my kid has one. It’s corrected with glasses
@Quoththeraven my son wears glasses too. It did correct it. Now his vision not greatest though
AlasPoorYorick · 51-55, M
Yes ... My lazy eye blew his inheritance but returned. I sacrificed the fattest calf at his return ... but that made my hard-working other eye very upset.
@AlasPoorYorick the prodigal eye?
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Slightly. Yes 🤓
Atlotto · M
Both are. I can never focus on women's eyes.