What should define us?We are having a debate in the office as to whether race or culture should be the primary defining characteristic for people. I believe that culture has more to do with it, as the majority of people on the planet are of “beige” colouration and the wor... See More »
Europe has a rich tradition of a developing national dynamicWhat one thing in our modern age has developed outside of the European dynamic? The American Jewish man Robert Oppenheimer (I believe of German Jewish origins with Einstein and others) created the atomic bomb, which was dropped on Hiroshima and... See More »
Part of the reason Putin seized CrimeaCrimean Tatars (Crimean Tatar: qırımtatarlar, къырымтатарлар) or Crimeans (Crimean Tatar: qırımlılar, къырымлылар) are an East European Turkic ethnic group and nation indigenous to Crimea. The formation and ethnogenesis of Crimean Tatars lasted over... See More »
I’m very proud to have Sami blood, but the truth of the Sami and Scandinavians is complexThe Sámi have a complex relationship with the Scandinavians (known as Norse people in the medieval era), the dominant peoples of Scandinavia, who speak Scandinavian languages and who founded and thus dominated the kingdoms of Norway and Sweden. The... See More »
do you ever feel you want to get away from humanity but you can't because people are everywherethis is how i feel sometimes, in real life i'm not very sociable or tolerant of others.
Do you believe that there are personality traits specific to ethnicities ?My friend jokes about her "Irish temper", I’ve heard about "Latin tempers" or "passion" and the French being "romantic". Where do the stereotypes come from and is there anything to them other than hype ? 🤔
a woman in my home state called the police on a bunch of native students on their reservationthey were on a wellness walk for school but they spoke a different language 😨 they look like mexicans 😨 she said "who put them here??" GIRL you did!! happy national native american heritage month