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Telling The Truth

It's something I truthfully do not want to do. It's a secret I wanted my parents to die never knowing. I know now, however, that I cannot hide this from them any longer. Before this month ends, I need to tell them that I'm autistic.

I had a feeling I was going to do this for the last two weekends, since my near-breakup experience with my partner, which has since been resolved, thankfully. That experience showed me that my urge to BE what I am has become far too overwhelming to hold in. Try as I may, trying to hide what I am has become increasingly difficult to hide.

They are both such narcissistic twats in their own ways, and I do not trust them with this knowledge. That's why the very thought of telling them has terrified me for the last two and a half years. That is why I'll be sending them individualized emails. I do not want to risk tripping over my own words as I try to tell them in the flesh. Also, my mother has undiagnosed ADHD, along with major insecurity. and will find one word, one phrase to hang on to and not even absorb the rest of my message as a result.

I'll be setting some boundaries in my emails to them. They will NOT be allowed to call me upon reading my emails, as it'll be a lot to process, and I want them to speak without them letting their emotions get in the way. The next part will be tricky. I'll tell them that under no circumstances can they tell anyone. Family or not. I don't give a shit who it is. They are to keep their mouths shut. Bad enough I don't trust them with this information.

This will be the ultimate test to see if they respect me as a person after all. I've often felt invalidated by both of them over the span of my lifetime. So, will they pass the test? Or, will they show me who they really are and fail?
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Luckylu · 61-69, F
Why do you feel the need to tell them? They do not have to know everything about you especially if they cannot be trusted. You are already preparing yourself for them to fail which means you are fairly sure how this will pan out. If you want no one else to know, the only way to prevent that is to not tell the people you do not trust. I would give them another test to see if they are worthy of being given this information. Something that won’t hurt you but something important enough to test them, something you don’t mind the world or the rest of your extended family to know. If they pass that, then consider whether they can be trusted with this information. If they fail, then you know they have not earned this knowledge.
I am afraid that they will fail.

Telling a bad actor NOT to do 'x' is a great way to get them to do it.

I wish you well in this difficult portion of the quest.
Ironicman · 56-60, M
You are their Son. That's all that matters to them, trust me.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
I'm Aspergers and have three kids who are in the spectrum. Use it as an excuse to succeed.
Ynotisay · M
OK. But what's the upside here? Is it some kind of 'win' thing? Retribution? Revenge?
Here's another option. Don't say anything and handle your own shit. You're a grown man. There's no need to seek out drama when there's no benefit to it. Just two cents from a stranger.

This doesn't sound like a great idea

There seem to be a lot of potential negatives to telling them, but you haven't explained what you hope to get out of it
GymRat584 · 36-40, M
@Activitykittens you're right, I haven't explained my purpose. What I'm hoping to get out of this is that since I did say the urge to be what I am is becoming too strong, they can slowly start to understand everything about me. I'm hoping they can start to understand that there was a much bigger reason for all my struggles growing up and also, they might eventually give me a little leeway for when I start to act that way.

One more thing is that they still have no clue that I quit my previous job (the most stable job I ever had) for my current position. I'd use this as a means of explaining what I have along with how that diagnosis led me to completely change careers.
Renaci · 36-40
A narcissist can't care about others. So testing them only invites more hurt. If you need to tell them for your own sake that's fine. But don't ever expect love or acceptance from a person that can't feel that emotion for anyone other than themselves.
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