Traditional gender roles are natural and in our genes. Every single mother of a son knows that. When they are teenagers we need to accept that they are stronger and smarter and we need to accept that
What you say is true but nature demands rebellion and upheval. It will not allow women, or men for that matter to accept that. Acceptance itself violates the laws of nature. It is as sure as tectonic plates rearranging the continents, or volcanoes changing the land or stars going nova.
I know a guy who still lives with his mom at 32. He likes to argue about politicians, AI and communism. He has no job. I hope he one day gets the help he needs.
So what happened to that kid who I was in primary school with who always wanted to be Witchypoo? I mean he was 6 years old and his role model was this evil woman. My mum told me not to play with him.
@UndeadSona Kind of sad that you have been sold a bill of goods that is not good. Did you know that there are 8 billion people in the world. Everyone of them came from a woman. Every one of them were sired by a man. Strange how biology works that way.