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I Am Fascinated By Human Behavior

Why do people typically want to have kids? I'm guessing because they think they'll enjoy raising children, or in a lot of cases people have kids simply because they think it's a natural part of marriage. I don't count the people who have kids simply by accident. I honestly don't want to bring a child into this very hard,cruel world. Life sucks in a lot of ways. Why bring a child into it so they can suffer with you? Kids don't ask to be brought into this world so it seems very selfish to drag them into it so they can cope with life's harshness. And no life doesn't suck all the time. It does have its good points.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
You should read some Benetar. People usually have kids as a consequence of sex, rather than a planned decision. The onez thst do plan, tend to not have much thought put into it. Simply, "i desire". Or, as you say, "Its what you do." Its just a natural instinct. Like having the urge to fuck. Or eat. Or use heroin [I kid. Kind of]. It requires no reasoning or justification. What words did he use. Having children is such a natural part of existence, that most people simply do not think it requires a justification or a reason. Something like that.

For me, since i am a thinker, as you seem to be, I have never wanted kids. I have had the instinctual urge, but i will resist with my dying breath.

To me, as Benetar, having children is always an immoral act, as there is no benefit to existing over never having existed. So, having children is always doing those children a disservice. Sometimes an infinitely painful one: giving a person a life of endless suffering and pain. No. I will never. I hope i will never. I am a hardcore antinatalist. Like you, I would not inflict variable suffering onto a innocent being.

Im also for voluntary human extinction, via antinatalism. Everyone stops having kids; existing humans live out their lives, die out; and we suffer no longer.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
I also have no problem with voluntary human extinction. What's the benefit of continuing to have humans on the earth? Like you say, if everyone quit reproducing the suffering would be over. And yes I am a thinker. Few people seem to be.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Cloud7593: Indeed; it seems so. It is easier and less painful to simply embrace the lie or ignore the truth.
nautilusX · 31-35, M
Humans don't even seem to play any meaningful role in any natural ecosystem . verily there is not much reason to exist. But consider this, if the senseless people keep multiplying and wise folk stay out of this ,the world is going to end up rotten eventually . There is a good chance that at least some of our kids may become enlightened and help guide humanity. At least until such a time when we can arrange complete annihilation or the earth destroys us ,we shouldn't give up hope. I was thinking on the lines the movie 'avatar'.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@nautilusX: in your opinion. human's play a huge part and all we got to do is stop reproducing and in 10 yrs the earth will be depleted by 97.32%

by using the 'regressive' theory.

considering people still 'thrive' on other elements of survival but not implementing birth as one.
nautilusX · 31-35, M
@sighmeupforthat: what I meant was that no organism without a distinct niche and specific contribution to the ecosystem should be allowed to continue - by any means
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
uhuhummmm.. uhummm..
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
This is a really good site for that answer:
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
It looked like they could have some strange ideas about stuff.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Cloud7593: Ah well you mentioned below about voluntary human extinction so I just thought it would be what you were looking for just as far as the post is concerned. Sorry you find it strange. I don't agree with anyone's views 100% but they have a lot of interesting stuff on human behavior.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
Oh I didn't think they were necessarily wrong about not having children. A lot of times I think people have kids simply because it's expected of adults, kind of the natural order of things. Of course there's the obvious reason that it's the result of having sex, wanted or not.
Suffer? Why are you suffering?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
So. Stop having kids and then the human race will die out.

Good plan.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
lol. Good point. Although I think a whole lot of people could not have kids and the human race wouldn't die out.

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