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Motherhood by Choice

Mothers should all want their children to care for them properly. This means they elected to give birth and were not forced to by strangers opposed to abortion. A society which allows legal access to abortion services shows great respect for women. A woman President who shares these values can truly represent the people and allow them reproductive freedom.
Miram · 31-35, F
I don't give flying duck about Harris and I consider her a war criminal now ,since she funds and supplies illegal war crimes. And I consider anyone who blindly and unconditionally supports her a rabid dog.

But there is plenty to show that infant mortality rates has increased by at least 20% (depending on state policies) now after the abortion ban. And your maternity mortality rates are now the highest among developped nations, after the bans.

This drastic increase is because genetic and birth defects conditions that will result in painful death/short life can't legally be terminated after week 6 in many of your states. And they can't be detected before. Women are being forced to hold dying babies with their organs exposed and tend to them. I am talking about cases where the brain is literally in your hand like alobar holoprosencephaly, kidneys..

And they are forced to carry full pregnancy despite risks to their own lives and the complications that are well explored and established.

People who say they support the abortion ban, need to spend couple of days with the grieving mothers in the maternity wards, serving them. It will humble them.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
And that’s her only quality ? That doesn’t make a leader
@Jake966 I suppose you mean leader as being president and not about mothers. That tells you how little trust I have in your sensibility though, yes a leader should be able to guide and understand what is right/wrong for a state to dictate upon a person's personhood.

The other one is a bumbling mess on the subject, trying to charm, but his actions says the state has more authority very righteously from a man who has raped women.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@thewindupbirdchronicles so that justifies your decision to vote for someone who’s major accomplishment was sleeping her way to the top ?
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Shouldn't the first sentence be worded:

"Mothers should want their children to be cared for properly"?

Or are you implying that children are supposed to be responsible for caring for their mothers. What about their fathers? Why are the dads not important to you?

Kamala Harris would hopefully advocate for the rights of fathers just as much as the rights of mothers.
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
^Simp Alert!^
dale74 · M
Except for The unborn woman most areas have between two and 50 forms of birth control abortion should not be one of them
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
The way you wrote the first sentence it means the children would be caring for the mothers.
InHeaven · F
More valuably for men (as well as more honestly) men need an option to pressure a woman he does know, and has known, into a solution that's legal

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