My beautiful motherfell the day before yesterday while checking her mail. She tripped over the edge of the road and landed on her face. Busted her chin & both knees. She laid in the road until some man stopped, helped her up & got her into her house. Thank you God for... See More »
when someone lets you down, how should you reactother than getting really REALLY angry? has someone ever let you down? in what way? how did you deal with it?
Om du vet at vennen din har det jævlig, snakk om detIkke hjelp de med å holde på en hemmelighet som muligens kan føre til at de gjør noe dumt, eller havner i en farlig situasjon. Det er bedre å miste en venn fordi du sa noe, enn å risikere at alle mister den personen fordi du holdt på en... See More »
In these troubled times, here's one of the greatest and most optimistic rock songs of all time to remind us that things WILL get better 🌈🌍🌎🌏🌱 (3)
if someone disapproves of you how should you respondif someone acts disapprovingly of you how should you react ive had this in life quite a few times, people who i met who i thought behaved in a disapproving way of me...and i took it to heart, made me doubt myself....but, how should you respond if... See More »