In these troubled times, here's one of the greatest and most optimistic rock songs of all time to remind us that things WILL get better ๐๐๐๐๐ฑ (3)
if someone disapproves of you how should you respondif someone acts disapprovingly of you how should you react ive had this in life quite a few times, people who i met who i thought behaved in a disapproving way of me...and i took it to heart, made me doubt myself....but, how should you respond if... See More ยป
Do bad people get their karma?People around me who are not happy with their lives try to make my life hell, often try to cause problems in my life and also make me feel like a loser. Such people seem only happy when they have money, looks, attention, pride, children, partner... See More ยป
How do i recognize when people who try to brainwash me into accepting other people's abuse as normal.I believed them in past but i now recognize their abuse as abuse. I am scared if i might go the same wrong route again.
Why is that often in groups i become the scapegoat, do i appear weak to people? Or am i hanging out with wrong groups?I consider myself emotionally weak person.
When i was teenager, I used to look depressed because i was depressed, a guy came and showed me care because i was depressed just to betray me later.He had no intentions of dating me but he pretended like he was interested, he even bullied and mean to me for fun because i looked weak. When i told people around, they told me why am i making a big deal out it and i am being over-sensitive. and that... See More ยป
Always Keep HopefulPlease don't give up, keep going forward, it maybe difficult but try one step at a time, focus on those small steps, the angels are with you all the way all you have to do is ask them to help you in whatever way you need, for healing, guidance and... See More ยป (1)