How many gods have the human race killed? Like the Greek, Norse, Egyptian & Mayan pantheon of gods for example. (1)
R most men like men who can value women/inferiors/animals around them as much as possible exists??? Most men i came across think they r superior and don't mind hurting them if frustated with their life or boredom.
Whats something nice your s/o said to you recently?I don't get compliment s from mine, he said "I hope you drop dโฌ@d" ๐ญ
what can you actually do if you're scared of ending up aloneonce my elderly mum and dad are no longer around i will be completely alone....i have lived alone 19 years coping with severe mental problems, my parents now live far away from me, so i feel isolated, alone and cut off sometimes....and i often worry... See More ยป