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The First Cut is the Deepest.

Knowing that I love you,
Is it enough?
Knowing that my heart speaks your language,
But the words just get lost in the in-betweens.
Our conversations, more often than not,
Are lost in translation,
The volume turned down too low for me to hear.

But your eyes tell the story,
Deep, dark, and full of stars.
And your tears fall ever so slowly,
I kiss the salty drops from your cheeks,
Then I kiss your lips-
Like it's the first time.
Because you know, the first cut is the Deepest.

MrGumHead · 46-50
I love the Sheryl Crow rendition, for me it's connected with a famous acquaintance i had at another site, she was in the process of learning it to perform perhaps at some club where they drink fancy beers with European names.
ArtieKat · M
The first version I heard in 1967 [media=]
plugged very heavily on Radio Caroline, the first UK pirate radio station.

And not forgetting the guy who wrote the song!

Is loving someone enough? I want to say, yes, when you can trace in your heart the caress of her lips, her love, where you remember every taste, bite, and every touch, it comes to bellowing out your love where you only see her eyes and let the tears fall.
rachelsj · 22-25, F
Think i like Rod Stewart's version more
Montanaman · M
@rachelsj me too 👍😎❤️
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Lilnonames · F
Nice songs🤗 hope your well💙

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