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Started blocking catfish accounts, then they were suddenly all blocked

I went on yandex reverse image search and started loading pics of women trying to talk to me here.... first one did it when I first joined and hadn't even finished doing my profile yet, asking me how I found this site. Then it was just akwtchy conversations from not outrageously attractive but attractive enough girls just messaging me everyday.

So I started reporting them working my way down from most recent to oldest and blocking them, and suddenly all were blocked. Does this mean they link their accounts and if you block a few they are all blocked?

Why would someone waste their time on doing this? I'm not giving momey out or anything. Chances of someone here being in my city is very low, so I'm not expecting anything other than a couple online friends who I'll never meet. I'm not seeing the point of a non-financial exploitive catfish.
Well this is interesting. I don’t have a problem with catfishes here but I have a problem with porn bots on Instagram and TikTok and no matter how many I block they don’t all get blocked. I find that whenever I block people on social media none of their alternate accounts get blocked even if they were supposed to. If it works on here I’ll be surprised. I think it’s something else, probably a mystery that nobody knows.
I expect it means they're working together. either the same person or group of people spinning up accounts and they maintain a list of 'no go' people to block ahead of time. much like the yahoo boys of ago times.

once they realized that you'd never be a financial success they moved on.
CestManan · 46-50, F
What's it even matter if someone is a catfish or not? Not like we are going to meet too many on here IRL in any case.
@CestManan I don't like scammers. Seen too many people lose what they have to them.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Theophrastus Well I mean people should know by now that the web is full of scammers, specifically the romance type.
@CestManan They should. But my primary warning is a financial warning. Too many guys here rush into every scam account and start cheering and applauding and flirting. That's unfortunate, it's like a mouse after cheese in a mouse trap. All I can really say to them is watch your money.

Thaigirl, a scammer account, had over 8000 replies to a single message. 4000+ original posters to that single thread. I'm sure that scammer milked people here for several thousand dollars. You think they stick around and keep posting after that?

One of the scammer accounts I am currently tracking down is using Ava Majury- in real life Ava Majury is a 15 year old girl (in her pics, older now) who charges $1,800 for a private non-pornagraphic video chat. A 18 year old boy felt cheated by this, showed up to her house in Naples, Florida, and tried to kill her with a shotgun. Instead, her father, a ex cop, shot him dead, and had a trial over it.

How do you think someone thinking they were dating Ava, doing a reversed image search, might act after getting scammed out of a bunch of money here? He might try to track the real girl down.

These are the emotions scammers and catfishers play with. It can get very dangerous, very fast. It's best to quash them.

If someone wants to fantasy catfish, use a obvious AI image. Alot of people here use cartoon images, or animal pics. They are not remotely of my concern. Two old dirty men pretending to be teenage girls with spanking fantasies to one another isn't my concern. It's the financial stuff first, then the emotional turmoil of being lied to that I'm worried about. This could be a much larger site if we had more real people.
Greyjedi · M
Which ones?
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AdaXI · 41-45, T
@Theophrastus I only explain so you know I did have a reason for contacting you and what it actually was. I mean most of the time you'll never have any idea and it remains a mystery but I totally respect you don't wanna do private messages or get particularly that close, and it's all good.

So I will now simply disappear as quickly as I appeared🙂
@AdaXI No, just give me time. I'm still freaked out by the last death. When a whole class of people start dying around me, I take it pretty hard. I try to be logical but it doesn't always work.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
its extremely rare for anyone to initiate a chat with me...im jealous
@1490wayb Well, looks like I'm in your boat now, my DMs are silent since yesterday.
You will run out of blocks trying to block all the 🐱🐠 round here
@ExperienceDLT Staff deletes them eventually. Working on a new one who stole some pics from Ava Majury. I'm certain it is her, even found Ava wearing the same cut off shorts from one of the user account pics, but I can't find the exact three pics he uses to pretend to be a girl on here so I can't let everyone know yet. Very frustrating.
Blocking one account surely blocks it's alternate profiles.
meJess · F
Some people just want attention
496sbc · 36-40, M
All were linked yes
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