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Cumberland City Council ban same sex parenting book from library

At Cumberland City Council in the western suburbs of Sydney, one man – Councillor Steve Christou – persuaded the council to ban books about same sex parenting from the council’s libraries.
The change was short-lived. People fought back. More than 40,000 signed a petition to lift the ban.
Only two weeks later, the Council reversed its decision, voting decisively 13 - 2 following impassioned pleas by residents, and with many people protesting on the streets.

As with many/most instances like these it all stems from one person initiating action. That person was Steve Christou - who stated ;

"it was inappropriate in the very religious, very family-orientated community. Our kids shouldn't be sexualised, it's that simple, what would a two-, three-, four-year-old know about that? A parent is a parent, why do we have to ingrain that?" he said.
"This community is a very religious community, a very family-orientated community."

News for you Mr Christou, you are living in Australia, a secular country, not controlled or dominated by religious issues.
No one should be able to impose their own moral beliefs on the majority.

The book in question has been checked out of the library once in the 4 years it has been on the shelf.
Ban overturned
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Banning books... everywhere..., no matter the topic, just never was the answer.

No one is forcing anyone to read them.

I really don't understand why certain Hindu religious books are banned here in the states.

And I have absolutely no interest those Hindu books. Just happened to notice that books covering the Hindu left hand path are all banned.

I know why though. It offends Christian values.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It will probably be checked out a few times more now that it has been widely publcised! 🙂
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Gusman · 61-69, M
@Picklebobble2 Pretentious people, I very much dislike them. Hopefully he will not be reelected at the next election.

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