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So I’m out grocery shopping with my mom and being a 6”2 woman I used to getting the elevator look from everybody who walks by me. Cute lil ol ladies asking me to get stuff off the top shelf…

This time with my mom (shes 5”6) stood back and watched as a bunch of guys stalked me around the grocery store. I didn’t notice but she had a huge laugh telling me about it.

Any tall people out there get this when you’re out and about? Is being tall really that big of a thing?
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Yes. Mostly.

If you're over 5'10" and female you're a freak. New people you meet will always stare, and take their time deciding whether you're a friendly giant or an angry amazon.

I'm 6'1" and used to all of it. But it took years of dancing by myself to get there. You'll be fine.

The best stuff is always on the top shelf anyway ✌️
@GuiltyBiStander I think they're following you cause of that hair. I mean. It's pretty awesome
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
HA! Everytime I leave The Tower 😉
Kulast · 36-40, F
Being tall is being as gorgeous as anyone else but more visible..
chin up and own it!
If your height is something you do not feel confident about- should have word with mom- remind her delicately that its not a thing to laugh about if some guys happen to be cave-raised id.iots who cannot handle someone who is slightly different than their little world has made them used to..
People are different.. in so
Many ways.. whatever you ve been given.. have it with pride and take the best of it :)
Your close people are supposed to be supportive tho- if they forget it, humbly remind them..
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I’m on opposite end (5ft)… people laugh when I climb shelves to get what I want 😂

I always wished I was tall/taller

My daughter is quite tall for her age, and I hope that stays with her as she grows and she is proud and stands tall. I think by middle school she will be towering over me ☺️
mindless · M
I'm 6'6 and I myself never notice. Although friends tell me people move out of my way and crowds part when I approach

When I was in India a couple of years ago people queued to take selfies with me though
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I'm tall but not THAT tall. I'm 5'9 and grew up in a town full of very petite Irish-American people. I felt like a giant my whole life. I certainly didn't get positive attention.
A tall woman is by far more sexy and alluring than a short girl. Height makes guys think............classy. Men fantasize about long legged women.......and short skirts.
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Yes, I like a tall woman. Im 6'6" and meeting someone close to my height is a rare, but always fun adventure. I think for the woman, it gives her a chance to wear heels, look someone in the eye and feel "small". At least thats what Ive been told.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I think it's easier to ask tall men than asking tall women. Also I have never seen a very tall woman whenever I've needed something from a top shelf or help with my luggage shelf on the airplane.
Arorin · M
Its a completely meaningless characteristics to me. It changes nothing in my life.
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
Not in the uk we don't care about hight
Convivial · 26-30, F
I'm just under 6ft and yep, totally useful lol
HannahSky · F
Tall is helpful

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