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Do you think, age is factor intelligence or not?

I think , age is not factor of intellect. Average child intelligence is equal average adult intelligence.
Intelligence is processus reflexion and raisonnement. Yes, adult know more, but adult think no more rapidity.
The adult wins because he already knows the answer.
However, if a child and an adult are put in a labyrinth and asked the question Why is the Sun in the Universe, then the child and the adult will have to analyze the world themselves, without having ready-made knowledge.
Children can trick adults.
Children may mature before their age, such as during times of war.
And before death, the child writes wise words that are available only to older people.
Child is inferior in adult because people create age limit.
Child don t interessed in work.
Potentially child is not inferior adult.

Also, but is other question , I believe, ordinal people can become genius.
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Let’s hope that age would equate to experience.
Intelligence is a broad term. IQ refers to performance a specific group of tests to determine a composite score.

Intelligence testing is grouped by age, if I am not mistaken, most tests have a cut off of 13 for younger people. Another test would be more appropriate for adults.

Genius is not an across the board designation.
Some people are a strong visual spatial ability for example.

Testing has its place, it is import to remember that tests are flawed. There are biases built in to some.

Human brain development, particularly in young men can impact decision making. That can be quantified by the number of driving mistakes made.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@SW-User experience is not age.
Experience is time and work.
5 years old you can just learn 1, 2, 3 or you can 2+2,34-12 etc. You can surpass age catery
Age is not factor intellect and perfection.
@LegendarySpark apologies, I didn’t realize I was responding to someone who had direct experience with evaluation and measurement .
Not that I have been applying testing results for the past 13 years.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@SW-User Great things can be done at any age. You can create a musical masterpiece at the age of 6, through debt labor, or you can write music from time to time and only at the age of 25 compose a masterpiece.
At 10 years old, you can gain a lot of experience, ahead of many older people. Age is not the main thing. The main soul.

Yes. Because I think that, since I was 5 years old. I am serius. From this age I think that and I will be prouve, it is real.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
This is where i think knowledge and intelligence differ. I think knowledge is knowing enough about something to figure it out where intellect is how well they utilize and gain information. I think everything factors into intelligence because its how we utilize and absorb information. I would think knowledge is learning how to tie your shoes. Intelligence is putting on the right shoes for the right task. I think children just have way more focus and way less distraction than adultw because they arent subjected to the media yet so they are able to learn faster and think outside the box.
It's a factor of experience which in some cases can be seen as more intelligent
Age has nothing to do with it..

And "intelligence" what really is that? And how does having that make someone more clever and other not??

Just because someone went to uni Does NOT make them cleverer! Especially when they are conditioned to learn what is told of us but not THINKING FOR THEMSELVE..going with one or more hoaxes/narratives and agendas being preached by people who do not give a shit about them!.

There is Much More to being "clever" and "intelligent" than is being said..
666Maggotz · F
The human brain is not finished development until 25. There is more to “intelligence”, like the ability to process information on a deeper level. That involves the prefrontal cortex, which again, isn’t finished development until 25. So no, not really. If you’re as intelligent as a child, then you’re disabled.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@666Maggotz I think child and adult are equal in intelligence . Child can have logic or creativity superior than child.
And child genius is superior than intelligent adult. " handicap" is adult.
For me intelligence is conscience ability, spirit.
Spirit is immateriel... so , age is only for body , and intelligence is in spirit.

I agree with you for 25 years old intelligence is not stopped. Yes.
Lanie78 · 46-50, F
I think with age comes wisdom. Life experience counts for alot.
Intelligence though, emotionally tends to come from lived experiences.
Academically I think some are more gifted than others.
We're all unique in our own ways, we all have strengths and weaknesses.

Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
There's a reason why we must protect children from this world. They have no consequence thinking or knows how to reason. Their brains are still developing. They need adults to set boundaries because they don't yet know what boundaries are which puts them in an extremely fragile position.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Queendragonfly no, is false. I was speach with 10 years old girls and they are terrified by mens.
Many girls are terrified by people.
I think child can have a conscience , many conscience.
I don t lie, I was writte with child.
Are intelligent, yes.
Not inferior than me. We have equal disscussion.
Of course, stupid, alchoholik child can exist and one this type child was writte me...
Neoerectus · M
Raw intelligence no. Accumulated knowledge and wisdom defaults to more years on the planet, UNLESS special circumstances... greater inquisitiveness, greater raw IQ, harder life lived, etc etc.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Neoerectus you can have 10 knowlage but human with 5 knowlage is not inferior in logic and analyse. More knownage is not obligation your logic and analyse is better. Intellect is logic and analyse.
I explain that is my topic.
And yes, I reed human answer by this topic.

I differencie Knowlage, Intelligence and Memory.
Knowlage 2 type. 1. You reed not use reflexion, like encyclopedia. It is not intelligent. Why ? The promised Neverlend illustred example. Rey have more memory but it is not most intelligent than Norman.
Really, I think... she can be a genius, not inferieur in logic Norman...
Because... she know motivate other and change world.
2. Knowlage . For achieve knowlage you use reflexion. It is intelligent.
Intelligence .
Creativity. But in rrality only God posses creativity.
Memory is just like a steach.
Memory don't use information, don t analyse.
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
I was a member of M.E.N.S.A. at agew 17 and now there is no way i could be as smart now as then of course time has changed a lot and technology has changed
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originnone · 61-69, M
It is. IQ tests are set up to adjust for it. You score a little bit better as you age up to a point. That said, intelligence is the most over rated characteristic there is.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Intelligence is not nearly as important as wisdom and wisdom only comes with age.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@hippyjoe1955 I think Intellect is most important because if you don t have a comprehension ( 0% comprehension ) you are similar a death. Or a banana, apple. You need to understand wisdom. It is necessary.
Wisdom can have child also.
It is not only age. Child - philosopher or child - poet can have extra good world vision but ous don t understand that.
It's known. Doesn't matter what I think.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Most traits are averages. On average, people get more intelligence with age because they accrue more information and new techniques to apply it. However, that is on average. Within that set are wildly varying circumstances.

In other words, it's a trend not a rule.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@ViciDraco more knowlage = memory.
Intelligence = reflexion.
You can have 5 information but you are most intelligent than human have 20 informations.
Intelligence is processus reflexion.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@ViciDraco you can have 10 knowlage but human with 5 knowlage is not inferior in logic and analyse. More knownage is not obligation your logic and analyse is better. Intellect is logic and analyse.
I explain that is my topic.
And yes, I reed human answer by this topic.

I differencie Knowlage, Intelligence and Memory.
Knowlage 2 type. 1. You reed not use reflexion, like encyclopedia. It is not intelligent. Why ? The promised Neverlend illustred example. Rey have more memory but it is not most intelligent than Norman.
Really, I think... she can be a genius, not inferieur in logic Norman...
Because... she know motivate other and change world.
2. Knowlage . For achieve knowlage you use reflexion. It is intelligent.
Intelligence .
Creativity. But in rrality only God posses creativity.
Memory is just like a steach.
Memory don't use information, don t analyse.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@ViciDraco sorry, I made mistake.
I'm not sure how old the chimp is...

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I think you're either born with intelligence or not

The only things you acquire with age are knowledge, experience and perhaps skill

Innate intelligence in younger people can be offset by acting like totally oblivious, obnoxious, narcissistic idiots before maturing though

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