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You may have witnessed this TikTok trend of women asking their men

how often they think of the Roman Empire. I'm not sure how scripted it is, but they all seem to think of it several times per week.

I will say, that even before this trend, I actually am one of the people who DOES think about it! But when I do, it mostly pertains to the FALL of the Roman Empire, and how USA is on its way....
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
I normally think of the Romans when thinking of the Catholic church and how they raped the city of Rome for all the marble to build their gaudy hypoctitical empire on earth
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foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 yes even catholics tend to be very devout and kind people, but the institutionnn of religion screws us all, agreed!
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@foldedunfolding My biggest Christ based religeous group is the conservative fundimentalists the ones who say the earth is 4000 years old and the Bible is total true events, and the main church structure i mean bad people will do bad in the name of their faith and you cant decry a whole people for a few bad eggs
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I actually am one of the people who DOES think about it!

Is this some kind of sex thang?
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foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@BohemianBabe i came so close to being a real girl
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
This is making me really want to sign up for TikTok.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
That's funny I think the same way
The first TikTok I saw of this literally today of a gay guy couple when one asked the other how often he thinks of the Roman Empire but because they’re visiting Rome I thought it was just a joke not a trend going round. 😂
Inquisator · M
Well I am from Jutland in Denmark, and from here the Cimbrer traveled south around 700 bc, the invaded rom and destroyed 3 roman legions, and could have sacked Rome but decided spain was more fun, and left rom 🫤
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I only think about the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire.

Unironically, I support making Istanbul Constantinople again.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@foldedunfolding well, the Byzantine Empire was a huge center of culture, technology and history. While Byzantines did conquer, they still respected the natives of the region. When Byzantium fell to the Selçuks and later Osmanlis, the region became much more oppressive, forced conversions were common and the indigenous people colonized.

This all culminated in 1915 with the Greek, Assyrian and Armenian Genocides. Constantinople until then wasn't Turkish.
Even after the Ottoman Empire fell and the Republic of Turkey started, Greeks, Armenians and Jewish people had oppressive taxation, banning of their languages and surnames and pogroms against them.

Basically what the Turks did in Thrace, Anatolia and Cyprus is no different to what the WASPs did to Native Americans.
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@basilfawlty89 you are so ceaselessly intelligent..i am in awe of you
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@foldedunfolding why thank you, but it's just information I know because of good Armenian, Cypriot and Assyrian friends.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I got bad news for ya the Roman Empire took like a thousand years to fall from its peak in the 3rd century lol
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@CountScrofula yayy that is good news haha
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I think about it occasionally. I was a Latin student in high school and college. My family's motto is "Semper Ubi Sub Ubi."
martyjay · 46-50, M
I don’t watch Tik Toks so didn’t know this was a thing. Until I saw someone post about it earlier.
I found an update on this 🤭

Or I may not have TikTok on my phone at all. Which is the case. That app is the devil, just like that foosball.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Hilarious trend
Renaci · 36-40
Actually that is how AND why I think of it as well! I can a least least say it's once a month. Lol
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@Renaci saaaame..prob like once a week for me!!

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