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Blocking capabilities

I'd really suggest that you allow any member to block someone because these people do not care if they're harassing you with constant messages shouldn't have to have it sent to some other inbox. If this is not resolved I am going to leave this site and I'm definitely not going to recommend that because that's a safety tool we all should be allowed to use not have to pay for.
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Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
You have 500 blocks as a free member.. I agree that it should be unlimited but if you haven’t reached 500 blocks and it’s not working then there is a technical issue going on
ColoradoKid · 46-50, M
I agree 💯% . Most websites that are for social interaction should have the option for the user to block. Also the options for screen capture and audio/video capture. So when you have to report someone who is causing chaos and bullying people. All the evidence is going to be sent with user names to admin. That way every thing is how it was when the offense occurs.

There should also be a way to block a person who has nothing on their minds but causing hate and discontent. To be blocked permanently.. no simple signing up again with a new user name and info. It would help keep the people who want to use the website right free from the worries of being harassed about the topic they have asked about.

Idk nothing about making a website that could function like this. I wish I did and I could make a friendly website for everyone.

If someone has made such a website would you please share the link or something?
Never seen you here before but there is no one stopping you from blocking others..
"constant messages"
Wait so are they "emailing you"? maybe you can search their username and block that way have you blocked a lot of users already?

"shouldn't have to have it sent to some other inbox."
What so u have a few accounts?

500 blocks apparently but I think there should be no amount especially when one or a gang have multiple accounts to harass 🤦‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
AbbySvenz · F
Clicking on the flag in the corner of a post or message or profile gives you the option to block the member 🤷🏼‍♀️
lftotbf44 · 46-50, F
So since I have to repeat this there should be an option for it to be free for an unpaid member which it's not because I have tried to block this person twice now and it's not working
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@lftotbf44 it is free for an unpaid member. Provide a screenshot of your issue.

You have 500 blocks as a free member. I just blocked you with my alt to test this out and I had no issues whatsoever
Fluffybull · F
@lftotbf44 Why can't you block someone? 🤔
You have 500 blocks. @lftotbf44
Teirdalin · 31-35
Just report all their harassment and it'll auto block them.
4meAndyou · F
Please screen save harassing messages. Otherwise the sender might delete, and you will have no proof of what they said. You can save screen saves to paint n a laptop...and then resend them to admin when reporting the user for harassment. I used to tell this to people on EP ALL the time.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Already an option. Visit their profile and click on the block button
val70 · 51-55
Is it then alright to also block anyone who offers a different opinion on these postings than yours?
lftotbf44 · 46-50, F
@val70 people don't need permission to block all this other bull crap of it being sent to some other inbox of some sort
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@val70 You can choose to block someone for any reason you is good for you. Although, if I had blocked everyone who I disagreed with on here, I would have reached my limit years ago:)
val70 · 51-55
@lftotbf44 Sorry, I can't make sense of your statement there :-)
I've never had to pay for anything on this site. I currently have 114 people permanently blocked (out of 500 that I have the option to block). I go to that user's profile where there's an option to block that person. Boom! I never have to see that person (or any posts by them) again!!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
So you know. This site has about 7860 active members. You have 500 blocks. That's approximately 6% of this sites active users.

Any more blocks your feed will just not have any posts, most of the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't respond to most of messages. It doesn't bother me. That's what I would suggest. This site can be fun.
Jungleman · M
people who get VIP already do pay for the site in a way.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
It seems stupid to care that much, to me anyway.

Focus on real life, which this is not.
To be fair, Dems need you to bock them so You become invisible.
They'd call you a "douche," for example. Like they do each day for me.
Lanie78 · 46-50, F
Choose your blocks wisely. Save them for the perverts and harassing idiots.
It would be interesting if SW adopted the donation model of, say, Wikipedia or various Mastodon instances, rather than trying to monetize the most basic, standard functions of the web, in order to stay afloat

They will never have deep enough pockets to programmatically keep all of the creeps off of here (and even Facebook cannot manage that with deep pockets), so they might as well accept their place in the food chain and free up the things that are literally free, standard equipment everywhere else for many years

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