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I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds

Could we please clean up the questions on here?

I am not a prude. If you want to "do it", do it and more power to you. But lately, we have been getting pretty rude and crude, and what gets on the system is boring or repetitive. Nobody wants to know how many times you did it last night and with who and what you were thinking while you were.

There are other things to pursue on here. Other people write them and are well-received for their posts. But some of the more descriptive folks get very raunchy replies from others. I thought we left that kindergarten stuff behind when we left EP.

Let's act a little more grown-up, okay?
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JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Just Scroll Down Or Block
Budwick · 70-79, M
Seems like a reasonable request to me.
And, I notice some familiar names complaining, suggesting that YOU look the other way, they gotta right to crude.

I don't know what to do about it Mary, but maybe it helps to know, you're not alone.

[PS - I know I'm no angel]
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@Budwick It does help to know that someone else is in my corner. You have never been rude or crude to me. I appreciate that. And what do you MEAN, you're no angel? All you have to do is fix your shoulders on your shirts to hide the wings and fix your hair to cover the halo. Nobody else needs to know.
You really think a site like this can be "cleaned up" lol good luck with that
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@ExperienceDLT I think nothing of the KIND. It was a suggestion. No one agrees with everyone.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Just pass over questions that offend you.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@MarkPaul Fine - but what do you do about the people who break into a conversation who don't know the posters, or both, and make offensive comments? The first one usually brings in others like that. The first one wasn't even invited!
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MaryJanine That's kind of the risk we take for engaging in conversation on a public forum in a free speech environment. Still, you could ignore, mute, or block those comments you hate.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Between the kinds of posts you describe and the angry political ones, I find myself skipping over more and more recently, compared to in the past.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@DrWatson It seems everybody wants to talk dirty or fight the political candidates online. it used to be just occasionally crazy, but some people confuse good taste with seeing who and how many they can gross out. I just got rid of some idiot who was harrassing me how everything I said made him want to spank me. I politely declined once, and he persisted - so I reported him. He is gone now.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@MaryJanine Hmmm...I've seen that "spank" response a few times lately,given in a way that makes it a non sequitur.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@DrWatson "Spank" is kind of a loaded firecracker. You use it too often, and the trolls come out of the woodwork like hungry bedbugs after a meal.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
I do not disagree.. but just to clarify, they aren't necessarily *doing* it.. that's the thing.. those who can DO, the others just sit and talk about it and pretend :P

That's their thing.. to sit and talk about it and in that way they get excited..
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
You can set your preferences to non adult, it will filter most of that out.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@KuroNeko That requires individual effort. Rejected.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
@MarkPaul of course, much easier for the world to change in order to fit our preferences! 😅
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@KuroNeko That seems to be the spirit.
Chatfun · 51-55, M
This isn’t going to end well
Chatfun · 51-55, M
@MaryJanine well you walk into a place like this and you know every single type of human is here. Good. Bad. Evil. Twisted. Fake. Etc etc. roll with it or block them
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@Chatfun I knew what I was getting into. I knew more people were going to disagree than agree with me, But EVERYODY has a right to their POV (point of view).
Chatfun · 51-55, M
@MaryJanine agreed
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@MarkPaul I started OUT on EP. It was "pedestrian" and fine for awhile. Then I had a few off-color posts. I did what you suggested and at first, ignored them. They got raunchier over time, and then we had that one idiot who sent everybody and their grandmother 8X10 dirty pictures - no posts. I deleted these, which lasted a while. Then I got (still get) the jokers who want to know if I was into getting or giving spankings. Good God - I gave none of these fools the slightest inclination or encouragement! These I blocked. Still they come.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MaryJanine YOU are announcing what offends you. YOU are revealing it outright. I KNOW what offends you because you have told me what offends YOU.

And, I understand why you might find crude words, specific language, certain types of pictures, innuendos, and questions offensive. I find some of those same things inappropriate.

But you seem to want some "central committee" to ban someone else's right to free expression instead of moderating your own actions to protect you from your own lack of self-discipline. And, I find that very idea... centralized censorship... to be offensive.

YOUR OPINION isn't the only one that counts. And, if you don't want to see the harsh realities of the world beyond your own carefully constructed four walls, then learn how to effectively block, ignore, turn the other way, stick your head in the sand, or any other multiple ways to avoid what in YOUR OPINION is objectionable.

Calling for "cleaning up the questions" though does suggest you are insisting, and not subtly, that everyone does it your way. I find it a bit beyond belief that you can't acknowledge that let alone see that. But, that does demonstrate you have the skill set to be oblivious. Just apply that skill set to questions you don't like and YOUR problem will be resolved.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@MarkPaul I can't be hung for an OPINION. Neither did I SAY "you have to" anywhere. Nor did I say MY OPINION was the only one that counted, or be associated with a "central committee" to clean up ANYTHING.

I ALREADY block and turn the other way. I have seen the "harsh realities of the world" in many shapes and forms. I know I can't have everything my way. When I entered that post, it was intended as a suggestion - nothing more.

Just because I don't like certain postings doesn't mean I don't see the world as it is. The two things aren't the same. I never said anything and everybody has to do things the way I want. I don't need to "avoid" anything, thank YOU very much.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MaryJanine Okay, well fine then. I appreciate your open-minded orientation.
Clawy · 26-30, F
freedom of the lewds
You should to run for office perhaps one day (city, state or federal). You have some good ideas that can apply to governing or writing legislation to tidy up society somewhat. Heck, you dont need political experience these days (Trump is no politician, is he? lol). Are you in the east or west US? Smart gal Maryjanine! stay safe, pandemic is still with us,
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
People usually tag adult, sensitive etc
The site would fold if you got rid if all the quack nuts though
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@ExperienceDLT I'll give you that.But this idiot fool was a newcomer with a one-track mind. He invaded old posts, savaging things he didn't even know who the people were, and if they were or were not related. It was "naughty" that that picture of the little girl (which was now blurred) was not my daughter and I should be in the picture spanking her. I know it was some other woman and the way she punished her daughter for whatever.
@MaryJanine the way I look at it if someone is doing something I dont like or something like that I give them 1 warning then if they continue I just block them some people will never take no for an answer so sometimes you just have to block them
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@ExperienceDLT My point is, that site in question was nearly TWO YEARS OLD. Then we had some other girl ask, "What? Was that your other daughter?" Who the hell was she talking to? Me? I have no children, but that doesn't mean I don't love them.

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