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I love texting rather than speaking

Yes I do love that and I prefer that to all I know coz texting shows the emotions and it takes time to understand and reply, but when you talk it just burst into flames and nobody understands which end up quicker.
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in10RjFox · M
Texting and messaging gives the freedom to think and carefully phrase the sentence. Whereas we can see many people getting into an altercation when they Converse orally as none let the other complete what they came to say but keep butting in. Plus both have to be engaged for the time, while messaging gives the flexibility to both.
Lilyb · 22-25, F
It's a great way to miscommunicate, misinterpret as well!
Mindfuladventurer · 36-40, M
@Lilyb yep I do agree, but those who are honest won’t misinterpret
Lilyb · 22-25, F
@Mindfuladventurer true, but it can still be miscommunicated, even innocently! Besides, I can tell you more in 5 minutes than I can text in 30, lol
Mindfuladventurer · 36-40, M
@Lilyb yep that’s true as well, the more time the More talks but even when you talk suppose it ends bad, again we think i should have spoken like this or that. Emotions play differently in those situations
There are people who express well with words written than to speak by self
Mindfuladventurer · 36-40, M
@darkknightt may be yes , but again it’s a quick decision made but texting gives you space to just think how you want to respond
@Mindfuladventurer yes that's true
Texting shows 0 emotion to me. And I'll get around to replying eventually
Mindfuladventurer · 36-40, M
@Justafantasy differs from person to person I guess

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