it’s giving old man
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@Iwantyourhotwife what does zupp even mean?
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
@crownedwithlaurel97 I could never tell you 😂
Maybe they ordered their "sup" from Temu or smth
Maybe they ordered their "sup" from Temu or smth
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@Iwantyourhotwife It's Tupperware for gen z... Instead of saying, "Hey mom, can you pack that meal for me, so that I may have it later in your fancy new Tupperware bowl?" The gen z say, "Oi! Main! Gimmee dat Zupp so I can gluck me some dat fire chicken, ya herr?"
Freeranger · M
Oh hallelujah......our collective ships have come in. At the least you better be giving away free ice cream cones.

Yeah, i got booted from kik lol
Sam17 · 18-21, M
Is kik any good
Renaci · 36-40