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I can't keep count of how many people are blocking me on here. This time it was a guy who blocked me because I told him that I read PTSD in Vonnegut's first novel (1952) already. He told me to "Womansplain this to someone else". Does anyone else have a similar neat experience or a good insight to tell about a novel? :-)
revenant · F
Not lately no but then nobody is keen on what I read anyway.
revenant · F
@val70 Jason Read Taoism in China
val70 · 51-55
@revenant Loved his work on Marx and Spinoza, especially his writings on Wertkritik, a return to the Spinozist materialism. Somehow it's far, far away from Spinoza's thoughts on religion where there's only one super being for him and this being God who's substance is nature
revenant · F
@val70 Oh my ! you are surprising me !
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I have no novel tips but my best block in here was when I guessed the wrong breed on someone's dog. 😂
OneDayMore · 36-40, M
Not about a novel but a lady commented on one of my posts the other day that a load of people on here hated her and were mean to her a lot and then she had to block loads of people. Then before I could comment or ask any questions she blocked me. I was very confused.

Oh wait, I think whilst reading “snuff” by Chuck Palaniuk that discovered I have mother issues. Does that count?

Edit: added a missing word.
val70 · 51-55
@OneDayMore Satire is always good. Easton Ellis, Vonnegut and Spanbauer were his own sources of inspiraton after all :-)
Morrigan · F
I get blocked all the time, and unfollowed and pretty sure muted. I just recently read Viking Women, was a good one.
val70 · 51-55
@Morrigan I'll try to get my hands on it. I wonder why so many people just can't think outside the box? The mind boggles. Thank you for the info. You're a dear :-)
Morrigan · F
@val70 no worries at all milady.... i basically live outside the the cold lol
val70 · 51-55
@Morrigan 🤭
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Though I don´t share some of her philosophic assumptions I admire the lucid and deep exposition of her worldview in most of the novels of Ursula K. Le Guin.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
From what I read in your posts (this and some others) I suggest you to read the novel "The Dispossessed" by Le Guin.
val70 · 51-55
@ElRengo Thank you. I'll look for it. I don't normally like any utopian read. Thomas More's book for one I could never finish
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Well......suggested that book precisely cos it´s far from being classical utopian literature.
It´s instead a reflection on the contradictions two societies / cultures, inner ones and between them.
And the simultaneous contradictions between individuals and their social frame.
As you (in other words) said, unity and conflict. What is also known as Dialectics.
Le Guin (and some of her characters) were / are (like Simone Weil) anarchists. And she, Ursula, stongly influenced by a variety of Taoism.
But she also seems to have (by the insights of one of her main characters, a physicist) a good familiarity with at least one historical formulations of the Quantum: the Bohm - De Broglie.
Interesting that Bohm, a realist, had a strong interest in both Taoism and Jung!
Most lengthy noval I read was the fountainhead by ayn rand.
@val70 Honestly I started reading since 2020 and read whatever book I could get through library or purchased.
val70 · 51-55
@littlepuppywantanewlife Try Simone Weil instead. Much shorter essays, but much more intellectual and sometimes even spiritual. Even Beauvoir was jealous of her
@val70 i am currently reading U Can't hurt me by david goggins. Previous I read psychology of money. 🙂
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I forget the novel, but the past year or two I've been collecting the science fiction novels published by Avalon Press back in the 1950s and 1960s and was a bit surprised to find one from the late 1950s that pretty much accurately forecasts global warming, rising seas levels, etc.
val70 · 51-55
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@val70 1950s Robbie the Robot. :) I'm thinking more 1920's AMAZING STORIES, etc.
val70 · 51-55
@ChipmunkErnie Oh alright. Now I see. Just wanted that. We didn't have them. Only cartoon issues and such. Even then
originnone · 61-69, M
I've read all Vonnegut's novels. Which one are you referring to?
val70 · 51-55
@originnone Player Piano

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