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jarvis919 · 26-30, M
i don't like social media, but i guess this site is social media. but i don't like this site much, so i guess i dislike all social media. except youtube.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 26-30, F
@jarvis919 I don’t like it. This is okay and I only like YouTube also. I deleted my Twitter and Instagram a long time ago and I’m about to get rid of Facebook to. Some people might think I’m trying to avoid something but no that’s not it.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@ElizabethBabe1994 you sound smart and sensible to me. i think the more people spend on social media, the more unreal they become in real life after a certain point. they get more and more shallow and emotionally bothered by the most immature things. after a certain point on social media, i mean.

Doomflower · 36-40, M
It is literally formulated to make people hate on each other. I dropped it in 2016.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 26-30, F
@Doomflower that’s good. I’m pretty much done with Facebook I’m done. It’s over and I don’t care if anyone gets mad at me for not coming on.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
drymer · 56-60, M
I have a FB profile but I seldom interact with anyone... It's just a way to know what's up with family and friends, but I rarely post anything more than a "happy birthday", and that's just for special friends... Now that I think of it, I was always like that when I went to parties (remember parties...?). I used to stay back in a corner listening and watching people and their dramas, without getting involved...
Like Twitter.
It’s a bottomless pit of hate and anger
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
I don't blame you. It's a place filled with so much toxicity.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
It might be best if you take a break from it for your mental and physical health. That is what I have to do from time to time. There is nothing at all wrong with it. Maybe get out, take a walk, and just feel what it is like to live outside of Facebook for a while.
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
You sound like me. I have been done with face book since 2010 although I have logged in to see what someone might be doing but I find my life at peace without it. Who cares who likes me, I love me and I am okay with that. I used to wonder why someone didn't respond to me, accept my friend request but now I don't care. It takes two to communicate and if we're not on the same energy I'm done. I will not chase you and try to give answers like I used to. People on Fb try to portray like they have the best lives ever but always remember we all know that every relationship have it's issues so the people who post their consistent family happy photos MUST keep it up for their Friends.
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
Yeah I just had some drama recently. I posted a status and my best friend got very offended by it and it started a fight.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 26-30, F
@texasborn89 Wow that’s terrible
Fb is good only if you talk with one person.
What I don’t like about it is how it manages your feed by showing you the same people over and over.
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