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Nina's Blog - Saturday 1st March 2025

Saturday 1st March 2025, 10:50

Elliptical trainer: 46 minutes, 12.4 virtual km, 16.2 kph, 5 659 steps.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 1st March 2025, 21:51

Just a quick question for any other widowers, widows, or others who have lost a partner.

My house is full of things that my wife accumulated. Many are both useful and I use many of them, clothes, books, furnishings, handbags, etc. And many are so closely associated with her that they are mementoes to be kept even though I have no use for them. But many are of no use to me and not really a memento either so I should sell it or give them away.

But sometimes the thought of doing this gives me an uncomfortable feeling that I am somehow being disloyal. I know that she would tell me I was being pointlessly sentimental, but the feeling is hard to shake off nonetheless.

So to the question: does anyone else feel this way?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 1st March 2025, 22:33

Another last remark before bed. As regular readers know I also post pictures on a different site, Fabguys.com. That site allows, encourages, much naughtier pictures than SW because it is explicitly designed for people wanting to meet for sex.

However what I have noticed is that different styles of pictures get different numbers of likes and it isn't the most obviously sexual ones that get the most.

Here's the top ranked image of the last week, it has more votes than anything posted in the last ten days and I only posted it this morning
[image/video - please log in to see this content]

and here is the next ranked one, also posted today and also ranked higher than anything else in the last week despite having had less than one day of exposure
[image/video - please log in to see this content]

So my hypothesis is this: quite a few of the men on Fabguys are not only after sex they are also after a kind of femininity that they aren't getting at home.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon I agree with uou. It's surprising how often what you might term non sexual pictures are the most upticked. And the examples you have shown definitely work for me! 💋 💋 💋
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 1st March 2025, 16:37

Wore the same coat, boots, and tights as yesterday but with a jumper and min-skirt instead of the jumper dress.

Delivered a few things to the charity shop, the Anglo-Norwegian woman who runs it was delighted to see the Operation game and said she might have to buy it for herself!

She is having a sale, only 40 NOK for shoes, 50 NOK for a bag of clothes. Luckily for my wardrobe there was nothing there that I liked that also fitted me.
Pitchblue Blog

Saturday March 1 2025
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Pitchblue I did. After I'd caught my breath. :-)

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