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Nina's Blog - Wednesday 18th September 2024

Wednesday 18th September 2024, 14:52

Woke up at 10:00! Put on a dress and pottered around choosing jewellery and a coat. When I got to my living room and checked my mobile I found that Tesla had called. They had also left a message in the app to say that they called to say that my car is ready!

I had just enough time to grab my handbag and open the bus company app to buy a ticket to the next town before rushing to the bus stop.

So now I'm on a nice quiet electric bus. It's quite a bit more comfortable than the ICE buses because there are no gears. It's interesting to see that it also has no external mirrors; instead it has cameras and screens.

It has as many USB charging sockets as there are seats half USB A and half USB C. Not everything is perfect though, it claims to have WiFi but it's not connected to the internet

Unfortunately I came out in such a rush that I forgot to pick up any lipstick :-(

Got to the car. Brought the spare key with me so it was easy to open and found the other key in the glovebox. The car was plugged in to a charger so it had 150 km more charge than it started with which is nice.

I decided that I should drive it a bit to make sure that it really is fixed so I went to the Henie Onstad kunstsenter for a walk. Now I'm having a very late brunch at IKEA on my way back.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 18:48

On the walk from the Henie Onstad to the Veritas Park I stopped to sit on a bench and just enjoy the sunshine.

There is a seaplane terminal a few kilometres north and here is a float plane climbing away from it over the fjord.

And of course take a selfie (well actually I took more but they aren't all suitable for everyone)
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Thank you. I think the worst problem with spreadsheets and documents might be incompatibility if I need send or receive any e-posted ones.

I found that several years ago even within Microsoft, with the system translating some into .xlsx and .docx types difficult or impossible to open properly if at all, and locked against any further editing as I needed. The same can happen with .pdf files... unless you pay expensive subscriptions for some third-party or Microsoft-owned translation-software publisher.

I rarely modify any of my photos, and then only if needed specifically. Normally this is limited to cropping them, occasionally altering the brightness or contrast, and very rarely changing a copy to monochrome. I did have a good photo-editor whose functions included outline-generation I thought might be useful, but even if I still have the source CD I doubt it would run on WIN-7 and later.

Nor do I catalogue them beyond title and folder, and that doesn't need any indexing software.

There are two problems with going to Linux then finding a suitable functional programme is compatibility with existing files, and having to learn a completely new application! There are standard files theoretically allowing this but they are likely to remove most of the formatting, in either direction.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ArishMell For simple spreadsheets and word processor documents without macros Libre Office is actually compatible with more Microsoft formats than Microsoft's own software and can save to those formats as well. Libre Office also works on Windows so you can try it out before taking the plunge into Linux:
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Thankyou.Perhaps I will!
Monday40 · 51-55, F
You have such nice photos. I love the heels. Thank you for sharing your story and photos. I don’t travel much now so it’s great to see other countries. I’m not sure where you are located?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Monday40 Thank you!

I'm at home in Norway now so all the pictures since the end of last month are from Norway. In the week or two before that I was en route from the UK to Norway via France, Belgium, Germany, and Denmark. I didn't take many scenic pictures then, mostly selfies in various IKEAs :-) Before that I travelled around England for about three months.

I guess you are in the US, which makes visiting other countries a bigger challenge than it is in Europe. A three hour flight from Oslo, Norway, gets you to any one of about two dozen countries. It also helps that I am both retired and widowed and have a reasonable pension so I can travel almost whenever and wherever I like.
Monday40 · 51-55, F
@ninalanyon yes I am in US. You are lucky to have a leisurely life in retirement. I have traveled a lot here in the US and the islands but never across the Atlantic. Thank you for letting me take a peek into your life. ☺
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Monday40 I'm glad you like the pictures. I write these posts mostly as a kind of public diary, so they are in a sense mostly for me. But I have found that having an audience that comments on things makes it much easier to convince myself to write something everyday. I have tried several times to keep a private diary but I could never manage to keep it going; so it's just a lot of boring things like appointments and very brief notes about things in my and my family's life that I shouldn't make public.

Do you have pictures of your travels in the US? If you do I'm sure people would love to see them.

And yes I am lucky. I've had a moderately well paid career, I have no debts, own my own house, etc. Part of what has helped with the luck has been a combination of willingness to take opportunities when they arise combined with a frugal nature so that I never over extended myself financially. I'd like to think that this was a result of something I willed into being but to be honest I suspect that like most things it is largely down to circumstances and the luck of the draw; all I have been able to do is to try to take some small advantage of the way the dice fell.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 19:11

Today was another little milestone. Perhaps I should stop calling them milestones, they aren't really big enough. Perhaps millistones, or yardpebbles. Perhaps I might slowly graduate to chainstones and then furlongstones. There is really only one thing left that will count as a genuine milestone though; but it seems even bigger so perhaps I should call it a milepæl because a Norwegian mile is 10 km. Pæl means stake or post.

Anyway today's yardpebble was that I came home with lipstick on and still have it on. It's only a pale pink so it's quite likely that neither No. 1 nor No.2 son noticed. But it's the ticking off of the steps that counts, once done they cannot be undone. Even if I backslide i will always remember that I did do it once.
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22Michelle · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon My knickers are bulging and are rather moist!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@22Michelle Mmm, I'd like to see that. Well actually I'd like more than that.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon That would be so nice.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 18:54

In the middle of the Veritas Park is a fountain

Of course there was time for another selfie
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon I finally remembered what it is that the Veritas Park fountain reminded me of: The Champions!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 15:44

When I got to the art centre I saw that they had a new outdoor exhibit.

I walked around the building and took a picture of the marina

Then took a few selfies on the iron bridge

Then walked on to where the Moore is standing and took a few pictures looking out over the fjord

And of course of the statue

Then I balanced my mobile on the base of the statue and took more selfies. The weather is lovely and I felt fabulous

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 15:01

My 'brunch' is tomato and mozzarella salad, napoleonskake, coffee. Notice the faint lipstick on the cup; I found a pink lipstick I'd left in the car. Not my favourite but it will have to do.

The restaurant is almost empty, just me and one man in this section
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 18:34

Seen on the way from the bus stop to Tesla

It's an underpass that leads to the school on the other side of the road. There are quite a few bits of public art in the town, perhaps I should try to collate the pictures I have and make a thematic post about them.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 18th September 2024, 16:00-ish

When I got to IKEA I put on my heels.

I must make a new hole in the strap. It seems that my ankles are slimmer than the average woman. Or perhaps the manufacturer just doesn't care to make sure that they fit securely.

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