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Nina's Blog - Tuesday 17th September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024, 11:10

Realized this morning that I only had two blood pressure pills left so I walked to one of the two local chemists to get some more. Another tiny step while dressed.

Got a message from Tesla saying that the car will be ready on Friday; I suspect that this refers only to the diagnosis of the problem and that they will then send me a new estimate for the actual repair.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Tuesday 17th September 2024, 11:15

Today's outfit is a dress! The first time in a dress at home and in the village in public. All leopard print.

turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@ninalanyon Good looking dress!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@turbineman40 Thank you!

Here it is a bit closer indoors. First with a leopard print jacket because it's a short sleeved dress and I haven't got any heating on. Plenty warm enough without the jacket when moving about but slightly cool if I sit too long.

And now without the jacket
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I'm sorry about your car. Hopefully it can be fixed really soon.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Barefooter25 Had a call from Tesla this afternoon saying that they have identified two parts that are faulty and need replacing but that they won't know if that fixes the problem entirely until the work is completed and they can test drive the car.

They expect be finished on Friday if nothing more is found. Altogether it will cost me about 21 000 NOK (about 1 500 GBP, 1 800 EUR, 2 000 USD), assuming that they don't find anything else wrong.

It's not an especially cheap car to fix when things go wrong! I'm just glad it didn't happen when I was in the UK because it would have been considerably more inconvenient. Where I live in Norway there are half a dozen Tesla service centres within 50 km and the nearest is only 22 km from home, but most of the places I visited in England the summer are much less well served. Even when staying with my sister in the South of England I was 80 km from the nearest Tesla service centre. It would have been even worse if it happened while staying with friends in France, then the nearest Tesla service centre was 170 km away (100 miles)!
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Worth calling to verify the "finished" report
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@turbineman40 Not really any need. They'll tell me on Friday what the conclusion is. I'm quite confident that the conclusion will be an estimate for further work.

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