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Putting one's life out there for the world to see

As this is the case, i just share the most banal details on my life here, i feel it should be brought to everyone's attention that dad last night assured me i didn't have to come along to the doctor's visit, so i'm a gonna take him up on that idea.

Prime with the add ons in Canada is getting pretty sweet, you can get Crave there, and maybe they've improved their STARZ channel, where the movie doesn't have any glitches.

why is Jarfff drawn more to the mainstream current movies?

I always complain about the state of movies but do i watch any of them? Only rarely. The Nice Guys is fresh and funny, and The Beekeeper is tense and there's no false notes as i can tell yet in both. False notes in movies is when Jarfff sees an error in the overall product in a specific moment. Imo therefore it's all good when it can at least be that, and also even in my most favorite films there can be many false notes.

I'm a complex man i tell you, ain't no primrose path to understanding this Jarfff, just gonna take time and all the parts of his life, each post a piece to the puzzle of his ridiculous conception.
Miram · 31-35, F
I am also particularly picky about movies. While I have specific things I try to avoid watching, there are, every now and then, unpredictable traits that make me dismiss the entire work. My brother watches movies before I do to filter out those I would dislike. It is sweet.
@Miram May i ask what one of your favorite films are? I may wanna track it down and watch it.
Miram · 31-35, F
@SW-User [media=https://youtu.be/HNcPojyYchI]

I hope you will find wisdom in it 🤍
@Miram Thank you so much, easiest 3.99 spent ever, and not just to rent but to OWN!! I am sure it will be a wise film ♥️

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