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Nina's Blog - Sunday 7th July 2024

Sunday 7th July 2024, 07:59

Time to get moving. Have to clear all my clutter out of the hotel room before 10:00.

Off to Morecombe Bay today.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Sunday 7th July 2024, 11:44

Stopped at Bishop Auckland on the way to Morecambe via Tebay.

I'm in the Fifteas Vintage Teashop. Another ration book themed place! There's an old black and white television on a shelf with a black bakelite telephone and an old portable radio.

There's vaguely period music playing in the background.

Having a very pleasant tomato and lentil soup with half a stottie, and a pot of tea.

The tea is very period in presentation, it came with a custard cream on the saucer!

But apart from the staff hardly any of the customers are dressed the part. With my leopard print dress and shawl, black tights and pink sandals I think I'm dressed nearest to the period. Of course the tights should be stockings. And the pattern and length would probably have got me some hostile looks in that period.

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon Only just got back online so I haven't been able to post anything since midway through my snack in Fifteas. The snack was good but it gets even better. This is what I wrote up when I got back to my car to make sure I didn't forget.

While I was finishing my tea in the Fifteas Teashop, Bishop Auckland, one of the waitresses came up to me and said how much she liked my necklace. It's one made of a strip of gold and brown fabric with a silvery springlike centre piece. She said she was going to try to make one and that she also had lots of scarves and that perhaps a winter one could be made with a Slinky. Brilliant idea.

Once I finished my tea I asked another waitress how to pay and followed her to the till. I complimented the soup, paid the bill, had a brief chat about the weather and where I was going next and walked out. I was about two metres past the door when I realized that I had forgotten my shawl turned round and met a third waitress rushing towards me with it. I thanked her and walked away. Got a few metres further this time when the waitress who liked my necklace came rushing out and said that she just wanted to say how much she liked the whole outfit and that she hadn't seen it all until I got up to leave.

You can just imagine the breadth of my smile. I swear that compliments like that make me taller and my walk slinkier. Well it feels that way anyway. Getting such compliments from women is so good, so genuine because they have no ulterior motive, they aren't trying to get into my knickers. I don't mean that men who compliment me are dishonest, just that some at least do want to get into my knickers so I'm not always quite sure how much the compliment is genuine and how much is just based on hope!
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
Nina...Hope you enjoyed your time in MY N.East....Love...Ronnie xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover I did. Would have been better with you to show me around!

Nina xx
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Totally agree xxx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Sunday 7th July 2024, 19:34

In the Exchange just a few minutes walk from the flat. Having a pint of Sharp's Twin Coast Session Pale Ale. It's interesting to see beer from Cornwall available all over the country. It was also interesting to see that the glass was filled to the brim as is expected, or at least used to be, in my part of the world, the south. There are no markings on the glass so it's presumably not an oversized glass either.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Sunday 7th July 2024, 19:53

Some pictures of Bishop Auckland

One for tangram on Fabguys

The gateway to the palace and gardens

A very improbable modern building. I presume it is imitating a timber original otherwise the rabbit's ears at the top of the gable make no sense, if they were merely masonry they would surely fall apart.

The walled garden

The palace from the gates
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Sunday 7th July 2024, 20:14

Does anyone have any idea what I should go to look at in the Morecambe area?

I'll take a trip to Lancaster tomorrow or Tuesday.

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