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I Am A New Blogger

Hey everyone, I'm queenofmagic2017, I decided to start a blog on here since I adore this site so much. I'll be blogging on here every chance I get, hoping to make some new friends. I'm a non judgemental person, I don't know your full story and I don't believe I'm in any place to judge. I have my share of struggles as well so I'd appreciate it if you would return that kind of mentality.

I'm big into the occult and black magic and witchcraft. Believe it or not it's all very real and I do use it on a regular basis. I'm sure you heard every steryotype in the book, from black magic is bad magic and magic can cause anything to happen and stuff. Most of those are not true, yes magic can cause unexplainable things to happen, But it can't do everything, if it did mental illness, stupidity and poverty wouldn't exsist. It's ok if you do not believe my words, however I just want you to take a second to think about this, not everything that's real appears in physical form, not everything that is explainable can be explained by science, and not everything that's been said is true. Ok. Walt Disney believed in magic, and look what he created. An entire kingdom of magic and happiness and endless childhood memories. Black magic is not completely bad, it's just darker than other forms of magic. I am catholic and I've never used these forces to harm anyone eternally or physically.

For those of you who don't understand magic, magic is the aura of nature and yourself. You use your heart, soul and mind to connect with nature and it's forces. That's why people who are involved with it meditate and relax a lot. Also it helps if you have a relationship with the world around you. Some day, when it's warm and sunny and beautiful out, go outside and sit on the grass and close your eyes. Pay attention to what you feel, what you see, what you hear, what you smell. Do you feel comfortable and relaxed, do you feel at ease. If so you've connected with nature and in a spiritual kind of way you now understand something. It's a beautiful relationship too. It's made me feel things deeper and Its given me a connection with animals and plants. Plants and animals are just as alive as people, you can connect and have a relationship with them too. I'm not a hippie or a tree hugger, but I truely believe in this stuff. You'd be amazed at how this can make you feel and impact your life. It's created a much broader view for me and I've come to appreciate nature and everything about it, and I've used that love to create forces that most refer to as magic.

I'm a dancer and I've sang for others. I'm a fashionista and I'm working my way into the fashion industry. I know some of you are probably thinking, why not use magic to get into it. Those who don't possess a magical ability think that way. When you do have the ability to control forces, you eventually grow to wanting to be successful on your own. Also like I said, magic can't do everything.

I do suffer from major depression, it's one of the reasons I've gotten into magic and witchcraft. I do believe if you want to end your life, you should be allowed to, the way I see it, we as humans have no right ending another form of life, or deciding whether someone is allowed to live or die. I mean any other life form as well. If it's just you who wants to go and you're want to go through with it, I say that's a up to you. Life is sacred, but your life belongs to you.

So that's me. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will answer to the best of my ability. Thanks for reading. Bye
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Ponyato · F
Hey man, welcome. Thank you for posting a long and fruitful story.

Meditation and witchcraft has taken me out of depression. Maybe it has to do with bioelectricity flowing well again.

I am intrested. What magic do you use often?
Ponyato · F
@Queenofmagic2017: do you have any advice on astral projection?
Queenofmagic2017 · 26-30, F
@Ponyato: that's great, what kind of actions do you influence, through what kind of force. That's really cool
Ponyato · F
@Queenofmagic2017: Im not too sure what kind of force. I just concentrate really hard on the energy around them and repeat in my head what I want them to do. The thinking thing just comes to me.
so, what are some useful spells everyone should know?
Queenofmagic2017 · 26-30, F
Seduction. Believe it or not, that's a spell. I reccomend mastering that and meditation first. Honestly you're aura and the energy you possess personally can cause things to happen that no one really knows what to think. Trust me that's where I would start.

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