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Nina's Blog - Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 07:33

I think my plans for today need a rethink. I was intending to visit Spanish City by public transport and to wear something a bit more suited to the place than, for instance, a denim miniskirt. Perhaps this dress from May this year in Tetbury

or this from May 2022 in Brighton

with the less practical hat from the first picture

But it's raining and the forecast for Whitley bay is for a maximum of 17 C with a 7 m/s breeze. I was intending to wear the red heels too but I don't want to get them wet.

It's going to be drier and sunnier but even colder and with a stronger breeze, 11 m/s with a maximum temperature of 15 C!

I don't have a coat I could wear over any of my dresses, they just wouldn't look right. So I'll have to rethink the outfit.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 13:00

Arrived at Spanish City about forty minutes ago. Now I'm in the champagne bar having a pint of Atlantic Pale Ale and a quite good cheese scone.

The clientele don't look quite so much like the background of an episode of Poirot today, too many men in modern walking jackets. And the waitresses are all wearing trousers. Mind you each one is twice the width of the young lady who served me my cake last time so perhaps it's just as well that they aren't wearing miniskirts.

The three women at the next table are drinking something sparkly with a raspberry in each glass, so that's in keeping with the style of the place.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Nina...Love you...Ronnie xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover Found it. It was just above the words that I did find. It's too big to get a good picture of without at least a stepladder. A drone would be best!

Anyway here is a selection of not very good pictures

oldundieslover · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Thank you Nina...wish I was there in Whitley Bay with you...Love...Ronnie xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 21:47

Finally got around to changing the battery in the key fob, the car can stop complaining now.

But apart from that I feel unfocussed at the moment. Not sure how far I want to travel tomorrow. And I really must get around to booking my accommodation for both next week and for Manchester Sparkle.

But for now I think I'll tidy all the junk off my bed, pour myself a mug of wine (no glasses here), and retire to bed to watch QI.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 18:31

Finally back at my hotel after nearly an hour on the bus from South Shields. Is bus travel the way it is in the UK because only poor people take the bus, people who do not have the resources to make effective complaints, people who no one listens to because they have no economic power?

It was a double decker bus suited only to urban traffic, and then barely. Every slight irregularity in the road caused everything to rattle. The seats are uncomfortable, the seat spacing too tight for comfort, and despite this being a relatively long journey the bus is set up for a considerable number of standing passengers.

Thank goodness the weather was temperate because the bus appears to have no climate control and the only ventilation is by opening the tops of the windows. There are big notices asking passengers to please leave these windows open for ventilation. And the windows are, of course, single glazed.

The Newcastle Metro in comparison is a delight.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 16:18

On my way back to the hotel. I've stopped at The Word library which has a café, having another cheese scone and a cup of tea
Very good value for money, only 2.90 GBP.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Nina..Hope you had a good day xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover I did. But...
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22Michelle · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon Always feels good to flash some thigh, and / or bum.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
Nina..Sounds like typical N.East weather...you know how much I liked the Tetbury outfit xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover Typical for July?

I'll wear it for you next time we meet, I don't think it works today though. Too windy for a hat without a stampede string so I'll be wearing my practical black and whit hat, the black Wallis dress, fishnet tights, red jacket, and my sensible shoes. Not as harmonious an outfit as I'd like but better suited to the weather.

Nina xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 18:57

Ugh! tried to take my left shoe off only to find that the lining was stuck to my foot. Turns out that my shoes had squeezed my toes together so that one of my toenails had cut into the skin of the next toe so it all got stuck together with what looked like lots of blood but turns out to have been from an almost invisible cut.
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turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Guess you can rethink your plans
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@turbineman40 I just wore a different dress and sensible shoes.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 13:10

Some pictures of Spanish City taken today.

Approaching through Whitley Park

The side with the modern extension that houses a lift

The front

Are these Mark Knopfler's words?

Nearly there

Just a few steps to climb

Finally, the bar
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
Nina...Hope you enjoyed your day..xxxx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 10:36

On the 21 bus to Gateshead at last. The stupid nexus.org route planner sent me to a bus stop for the hourly on the hour 81 where I waited until 10:15 before realizing that the 21 went from a stop 100 m away every 19 minutes.

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