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Nina's Blog - Friday 31st May 2024

Friday 31st May 2024, 07:48

Sitting in the living room of my cottage in my undies listening to The Girls and Men of Canterbury Cathedral Choir singing Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, etc, trying to summon the enthusiasm to pack and leave. Visiting my sister so It'll probably be the last time I have a comfortable place to sit for the next two weeks. Certainly won't be doing it in my undies while I'm there.

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Today I think I'll wear the same outfit as I did on Saturday: white dress and red heels, and the hat that Billie Jean called "a good looking Ladies type of hat."

But where to go for the day? Despite being less than fifteen minutes drive from my sister's place I can't arrive before 20:30 because they have told me they need that time to tidy up. The reason for going there is that I was supposed to be dog sitting this weekend and it was arranged months ago so they have had plenty of time to make the place liveable.

No dog sitting though because one of the dogs is sick, probably terminally, with cancer so my sister is staying home while her husband and son go away for the weekend.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I like the thong.

If your sister and brother-in-law have left tidying till the last minute.... They sound a bit like me! Either that or they are excessively house-proud (which I'm certainly not) and even the morning's newspaper has to be folded, ironed and set on the table using a carpenter's square.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Can't find it so buy another... Or improvise unsatisfactorily. Yes, been there, done that.

I think it very hard to break out of permanent clutter, because the whole process is so daunting it is difficult to know where and how to start. Consequently it becomes depressing and self-defeating, because you manage no more than a bit of re-arranging.

I find the best way is small bites: e.g. one evening I explored various folders and ejected nearly a ream of long-redundant papers into the green bin. Last week, when searching for a particular thing, I found that but also a suit and some other clothes long forgotten. I tried the suit - it didn't fit - gave all these clothes to a charity shop.

Then there's the extension lead I'd accidentally severed... Do I mend it, or take it to the Council skip yard? I've managed with it lying broken in the spare room for about four years now...

Once, I wanted to perform a small but awkward mathematical calculation a bit too hard to do purely long-hand. Failed to find my calculator. Slide-rule? Could not find that. Log. tables? (I did not have a computer at the time, twenty or so years ago.) Luckily I have books containing them, so completed the "sums". Next day I bought a new scientific calculator... Three weeks later, looking for something else, I found the absent sums-box in a drawer I'm sure I'd not put it in.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ArishMell I understand exactly what you mean about doing it in small bites. But in this household the small bites are so small and infrequent that they don't keep up with the accumulation of new clutter. This specific bit of tidying was known to be necessary at least six months ago because the event they were going to was planned that long ago and i was going to dog sit. So it isn't that they didn't have time.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon I see. A sad do - I hope they doe eventually sort themselves out... then the house.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 12:26

I suppose I should stop hogging the table and go out to kill some more time.

Before I go here are some random pictures of Cirencester.

Holy Trinity

The window display of the Blue Cross charity shop

The church in the centre. Rather embarrassing, I can't remember what it's called.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 11:45

Been wandering around Cirencester for the last hour and a half visiting lots of charity shops. Bought a black and silver top and a bracelet in one. I got distracted by packing I forgot to put on earrings so I bought a pair in the charity superstore.

Now I'm in Lynnwood's which is my favourite café in Cirencester. Having a ricotta, basil, and sun-dried tomato tart, custard cruffin, mocha

The tart was nice, now it's time to start on the cruffin. Not sure how to go about that.

The first words spoken to me when I entered the café were "I love your shoes!", said by a pretty young waitress. The chunky male guy behind the counter addressed me in terms appropriate to my dress.

It's been a very good morning.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 18:40

I've had plenty of time when I left the Brewers Arms so I drove in the opposite direction from my sister's place and found a lay-by where I napped for an hour and a half. Then I drove to Stow on the Wold. Much less busy at this time of day than it was yesterday when @oldundieslover and I tried to park here at lunchtime.

Having a sort of individual quiche in the King's Arms, Stow with a pint of Tribute.

A guy on his way out of the pub just asked me if I was from London. I asked him to repeat the question because I couldn't think why anyone should ask such a thing. Very odd, when I said no he muttered something about me being the spitting image of someone and left.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Fine photos! That is a lovely part of the world: I sometimes use the Fosse Way when travelling to and from the Midlands.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
Nina...Not your type of place...I think its the company that makes it...Miss you and want you ..xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover Mmm, I love being wanted! Want you too! I've been at my sister's place for less than three hours and I've started to notice my tinnitus for the first time in weeks. I wonder if it is just coincidence or if it is some kind of stress response. I arrived shortly after 20:30 as agreed to find that tidying was still in progress, and nearly three hours later it still is. Well I say in progress but in fact there doesn't seem to have actually been much progress.

Still there has been some progress on another front and that is that my sister has bought a car that she can drive to tide her over while waiting for her favourite car to get fixed so she isn't 100% dependent on her son to drive her.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 14:39

Still ages before I can turn up at my sister's place so I've stopped at the Brewers Arms for a half of 3Bs.

Not really my kind of pub. It's the sort of place where people with no volume control go to watch sports on television. But it's the last pub on the way back to my car, the previous one was closed for the afternoon.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 12:17

Finished my snack. There is no elegant way to eat a custard cruffin. I tore it apart, getting sugar all over my fingers, and did my best to nibble it elegantly but I suspect that it looked more like a scene from Fielding's Tom Jones. Perhaps I should bring @oldundieslover here and go all out for sensuality.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Should be a n interesting weekend for you both.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 12:51

The church is St John Baptist, it's the parish church. The parish must have been rather wealthy to be able to afford such a large church. Here's a wide angle view of the interior from the pew where I'm sitting.

And yours truly trying not to show too much leg
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Friday 31st May 2024, 12:04

Here's today's outfit, it's a little breezy so I added a shawl

Pictures taken by the back door of The Holy Trinity church.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 1st June 2024, 12:29

In a lay by a couple of miles before my sister's place, changed back to male-ish mode.

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