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Nina's Blog - Wednesday 8th May 2024

Wednesday 8th May 2024, 12:58

I have a genuine reason for going out today, need to refill the propane canister that we use for cooking.

But of course I've used it as an excuse to visit a charity shop and a favourite café, Skaperverket Tønsberg, where I'm having suksessterte and chilli mocha
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 8th May 2024, 13:32

I actually visited two charity shops this morning after getting the propane.

Didn't get anything in the second one but bought a dress, some outrageously big earrings, a sweet necklace, and a handbag in the first. There was a skirt too but it turned out to be a size too big and just slid down.

Here's the handbag

Cost me all of 30 NOK, about 2.50 GBP, 3 USD. It's a bit worn and the lining on the flap is torn but it's leather so the outside is aging much more gracefully than most of the man made ones I have.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
Nina...Any preferences for food when we get together soon...Love ..Ronnie xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover I'm not a great fan of crustaceans nor of sushi. I quite like old fashioned Anglo-French restaurant dinners.

I can usually find something to enjoy in most styles. Even fast food style can work if it's well executed, but it hardly ever is. Many years ago I visited Stratford upon Avon with my wife and children, we went to a restaurant specializing in hamburgers. It was very good but not at all like McDonald's or Burger King.

So, you could just surprise me.

Oh goodness me I'm so looking forward to this!

Nina xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@oldundieslover Sitting here in my short mini skirt with my legs carefully crossed to avoid showing my knickers, wishing you were sitting opposite me.
oldundieslover · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Naughty but nice xx
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Thursday 9th May 2024, 09:11

Some pictures taken as I walked around Tønsberg.

The main square, the torg,

The bridge where the camera club photographs are displayed

The other side of the river, away from the town centre

The old foundry

Now an exhibition space (I think, perhaps I should look it up)

A copy of the Oseberg ship. The original was found in a burial mound not far from Tønsberg, it is now in a purpose built museum at Bygdøy in Oslo. The copy was made with the same types of techniques and tools as the original.

Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
Ive never seen that pastry. Omg
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Notsimilarreally It's not a pastry in the usual sense of the word, there is no cereal flour in it. The base is mostly almonds and egg white, the top is a kind of thick vanilla custard. The portion is quite small but it's quite dense so you really don't need much.

I've never made one myself but the recipes are quite simple. Here's an example, https://www.matprat.no/oppskrifter/gjester/suksessterte/, Google Translate can turn it into English (or lots of other languages).
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@ninalanyon I've already looked it up, I really want to make it. It looks and sounds so delicious.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Notsimilarreally I would be interested to see how it goes if you make it. Post some pictures too!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 8th May 2024, 13:30

Today's outfit, well just part of it.

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 8th May 2024, 19:02

I wondered why there were so many flags flying today. A bit embarrassing, I should have remembered that 8th May is Liberation Day, (frigjøringsdagen) in Norway.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Wednesday 8th May 2024, 18:54

Pictures from Tønsberg Kamera Klubb displayed on the bridge over the river

Lilnonames · F
Have a good time
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Lilnonames Thank you, I did!

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