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Block limit

Have you exceeded the threshold of 500 blocks? Why or why not
We're gonna BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, 'til broad daylight
We're gonna BLOCK, gonna BLOCK, around the clock tonight🎶
Ynotisay · M
Absolutely. Then I go back, unblock those who are no longer here, and start over. If I'm sure that someone is not going to bring anything of value to my table, and is living in a world of make believe/hate/fear etc., I'd rather not play in their sandbox. I don't subscribe to the "every opinion should be respected" stuff. Nope. Respect is earned.
Lilymoon · F
375 but a lot of them have left hahaha
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@Lilymoon how does one know they've if blocked?🤔
Rutterman · 46-50, M
No, far from it. I usually ignore the more loathsome people here and reserve blocking for the worst of the worst.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Rutterman Smart move.

I always thought you never blocked, Rutt.

Always so chill.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
I put it on them to block me I mean you know they can keep posting stupid stuff I'll keep responding but it's more fun to watch them gag choke and spew
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
No, I mostly mute. I have blocked a handful but not many.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
I just hit 400, like a week ago, when I hit 500 I will see
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
I haven't blocked anyone. A few people have blocked me though
Yeah cause im a block happy snob who way over indulges in blocking 😅
Mike3 · M
I dont block anyone, its the other way around
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
Maybe close to. 😐
Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. Because that's mentally insane. I don't block. I can withstand any user on this site. So it doesn't bother me . I prefer to make them miserable just by being me.
And that's what I will be. 🙂
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