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Tumbleweed · F
My first post ever was on EP and at that time, my father had passed and my brother was a heroine addict... It was a very dark time in my life.
Lilnonames · F
@Tumbleweed I blocked so many on e p my feed stopped lol
Tumbleweed · F
@Lilnonames You didn't block me, I was so low key there nobody even knew I was there!!!
It would of been on EP. And I first went there for support for PTSD, so probably something about that.
Magenta · F
No I can't, I've deleted so many of them.
But here's the last one on my profile from 6 years ago..
But here's the last one on my profile from 6 years ago..
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
@Magenta I remember and I remember what I wrote about it 🤭
Magenta · F
Oh wait.. my first ever post wasn't on here, I read the question wrong. 🤓
Magenta · F
@Yourwildestdreams Mmhm, je sais. 😏
It was a question on GIRLS ASK GUYS about 10 years ago. I was still fairly interested in guys then. I posted on a question about guys with beards and moustaches. I said I prefered no facial hair.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Oh gosh it was in the 1980s on Usenet.
See my about me for links to what Usenet even is.
Google has kindly put me as a footnote on their historical archive! 😆
See my about me for links to what Usenet even is.
Google has kindly put me as a footnote on their historical archive! 😆
That reminds me of a goofy gag my uncle used to tell me when I was little:
Q) How do you know when an elephant is in your bed?
A) He has "e" on his pyjamas.....
Q) How do you know when an elephant is in your bed?
A) He has "e" on his pyjamas.....
greensnacks · 31-35, F
Do I remember what I posted almost 20 years ago? No
@greensnacks Computers didn't even exist back then.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays when were you born? Lmao
@greensnacks 1918. The end of the war in August.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
First ever post where? On social media? On EP? On SW? I don't but I can check EP and SW in my screenshots.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Time to buy a new fence. Lol
@AthrillatheHunt It's a good job we don't really have "an elephant in the room" where I live at the moment The main room only has a small window so not much light. An elephant would block out the daylight we do get.
Unless, OTOH, it was a baby elephant....
Unless, OTOH, it was a baby elephant....
Toofargone · 26-30, F
I was 14 on EP i don't even want to remember
James1956 · 61-69, M
It was EP, don’t remember what it was
Mine was in EP ..mostly it got ignored
I cant remember
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I believe it was an assertion about Santa, the easter bunny, bigfoot and the lost city of Atlantis. 😁
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
It was probably Raisin Bran.
Lilnonames · F
Yes I block hahaha
candycane · 31-35, F
Yup its still hear 8 years later
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