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Gives me headche 1/

So it's about an internet thing that happened some days back and the lessons I should learn from it-
Anytme it's just so chaotic no peace mostly,
Texting, chatting has become casual thing these days and for people like me who are just introvert, it's like we don't know how to react, but generally we think all people are just like us so when we see someone is facing any issue some of us try to help,
I'm quite active in Reddit these days , mostly active in the subreddit dedicated to a boyband I stan,
So someday back I got a text request from a fanboy also a fellow country citizen so I accepted that chat request and that profile was quite new I saw but active,
I'll try to write out the events in short as I feel it's still not that serious so I should keep calm and just shouldn't get enraged more ,
That person seemed genuine , Very very simple tthe kind who gets bullied by others, that person said , also on internet or reddit here we only know what they say so I'll omit personal datas of the person ,
That person said so many things, like also how his mother is so worried about him all and I could relate like I'm a person who has always been laughed of in real life like I've suffered a lot so I sympathized with that redditor a lot ,
That person also asked about my opinion on a lot of things and shared that he was molested by a senior guy and after listening all it I try to like how everyone of us will do , I just tried to help him, I shared one incident where one very senior professor of over my grandfather's age had a bad eye on me and tried to hurt me lastly but thankfully God Grace I'm saved nothing happened but it's still a traumatic memory to me so most of the time I tried to communicate with that redditor and try to help him,
But I was always in my limit , that person is bit older to me and it's out of my line to call anyone by name so I'll call bro this that whatever just so good I hope you guys will understand,
We're of one country and I'm a person who like to talk about own country a lot , never get bored of it, so I inquired a bit , and then talked about temple, language, diff religion sectors etc,
Discussed lots of diverse topics
But that redditor seemd bit off and I felt it's probably flirting but I lack knowledge in that topic so I just ignored and that person said don't call me brotherly bhai bro etc
I don't know why someone will feel that boring
Like I've seen people calling behen sis and it feels good but that redditor(for ease witll use bak/b) was off so I said ok
I'll not call by name or anything , i avoided, but there was a drastic change in that redditors behaviour sometimes so aggressive so sweet just beyond my understanding and asking too many personal questions, sometimes praising too much , the questions were so invasive sometimes and sometimes only digging one particular topic , I can't explain but with time felt like bak is trying to get to know something and then use it to harm me and the behaviour was so bad comparative to before, I felt like it's just my another Mistake that I let bak talk to me , I shouldn't have accepted from first , I don't block people , now it's late what to do , so in short I just requested like please try to find anyone else from fandom to talk , if you're so eager to listen but don't text me , but no matter how well I'll try to make it clear that I don't want to keep on communicating it's just that b will not understand, and I felt like with my least knowledge that b is probably black mailing and exploiting , also eng is not first language for me not B's also , so we've languages in our country and then it's like I'm in police custody and the police is b , asking me lots of whatever questions and even saying you write in your mothertongue , I'll read with Google translate'
But I don't even want to talk firstly atleast about those super clumsy things , so I was getting very irritated and then that b will shift topics, it was awakrd and I was feeling disgusted but I can't just be rude , I was trying to stay calm and clear and deny , but tht b will never listen anything,
And then called me with all sorts of names like dumb, stupid, idiot to name a few bearable ones, I hate it when someone call me such for nothing like what I've done to you , you wanted to talk , I talked just it's a mistaje I felt so,
About my eng I think I'm not good but I'm really not bad like I think my words are understandable and b's eng was even horrible to me but tht prsn will say go learn emgliy
You're this that , by any means I just wanted to stop conversation with tht , so I wrote a long text last and stll tht person is likr you're ***""" this that stop texting me like that as if it was me all the time who was texting, now I feel so bad just horrible , first I felt bad about that prsn now I'm like I'm bad I'm the worst that I allowed such PPL to talk first and I've faced issues like this on other apps too, if I count it'll be like thrice probably, within five ofcourse and when something like this happen I feel sad like why I allowed them to talk just I can't know how that person is behind that profile, here we're to grow and to relax from life and we don't owe anyone anything here , we're here for ourselves
For own good ans help others but when you feel like someone is taking advantage of you , it just feels worse , anytme , I'll try to get better,
One earlier incident happened probably three years back when one person from similar family similar society like mine approached and said that hll b monk if nt marry me but I saw that person has so many affairs on off so I let it off , it was terrible but I just laughed it off seriously then there was this psycho from own dist just always bothering me and I finally just deleted that whole big account for it , but never I got called names but this time I did talk to this person, I tried to understand what's problem like a little sister but I was wrong , that person has something else in mind from the start and I got trapped so horribly, I'll try be more careful I'm future , I need to be if I decide to stay online , from best to **** just heard it all , it just feels terrible bit what can be done , afterall I did the mistake of allowing first also one misearable major thing, Eng is not fiest second but probably my third language , I can understand so many other languages though I can't soeak much in any but never ever I've shamed anyone because of a language barrier but getting to listen such horrible words my situation inside is just so disturbed , I'm feeling very bad now , that person is even shaming own parents and all , tht person has no right to do so here but really I shouldn't say anything , just those filths should stay there , I can't look, no parents people are perfect but you've no right to use such defaming words to anyone like what anyone of us has even done , I feel worse that I trusted such PPL and communicated in first place , I just deleted the chats , they deserve it , nothing to preserve , now there are a flood of Insan messages but I've decided firmly to not loook anymore , I've just deleted own texts and I saw that person even using minimal flirty words in other seemingly female fans comments posts etc (atleast I'm saved in this aspect or it would be so embarassing ) I feel bad but it's like a daily thing on internet so just everyone need to be careful , responsible I feel so now ,
We're humans , we should behave like people not pollutants
Just wanted to write out somewhere
If necessary will edit and about my eng I just forget punctuations sometimes , I hope I'll not mistake pronouns rest I'm not perfect in eng ofcourse
hope this matter is close here

Edit1: we're hardworking very much real humans, when we start to converse somewhere , we never expect that it can go this worse, I got message that I should be dead then , you should die when that x person tried to ****.. Etc like this
Hope I'll never face that person alive in real life, we shouldn't get so Close to such people anywhere, just think, doesn't it feel insane? Just because I saud no to those extreme violating texts now I'm getting this , this ignorance , we can get irritated but never have I ever used this cuss words or cursing anyone now no expectations of any change , nothing good remains but yes one serious sincere request if anyone here feel my eng here is just so bad then please say it , I'll try to change , make it better,
genuinely rai 🙇‍♀️

So it just went on like that user will just comment bad things under my posts , comments etc and it got noticed by other fans and that user was not just doing this to me but surprisingly thee were so so many fans who also got texted like that and we all reported , finally that user got banned now profile deleted and then there was written no love in fate and it's like just whatever you're sending obscene messages to unknown girls here and hoping this way you'll get love
What to do some pathetics just never learn lessons from their mistakes and only think about themselves and takr advantage of others kindness well we can't change them

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