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This site thus far in my experience

Heres my question...This site is for topics? This site is for hook ups? Im not yet clear the True format of this app. Ive run across many posts of disappointment and ive come across replys to posts like Welcuum or Negativity to a post like they take the time to say something bad instead of scrolling past if thier not interested almost bully like. Look im an old lady i fought my battles as a youngster so i perceive some comments as just rude. If your going to be rude pass the temptation by are you Strong enough to do so? Or weakened by the opportunity to crush another? Your character will show in your reply to this and any other post just keep it in mind. Hurtful/ Helpful You choose your path and i choose my time spent on replies. Have a Super Terrific Day!!
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Punches · 46-50, F
There is no central theme, unlike other forums.

There is not much intelligence. The things that get the most attention are - politics, religion, and people wanting to show off.

I would say if this forum were a human, it would be a jobless 20 something year old who sits around in his or her room most of the time feeling depressed and socially isolated.

It can be entertaining here but do not expect any intelligent or meaningful interactions.
Ferric67 · M
@Punches nailed it
This site is a mixed bag.
You'll come across all sorts of people, saying all sorts of things. You can find someone rude on meeting them but they turn out to be genuine. Conversely you can find someone really nice on meeting and they can turn on you just as quick.
Like you would in the world out there, you've got to use your discernment when engaging here.
Try not to take a lot of things here personally. A lot of people here carry a lot of wounds and it comes through in their mannerisms.
Ferric67 · M
@SW-User you said it, don't take anything here personally
This site is to some extent, whatever you're looking for.

The block button is anathema to some, but for me, it's a way to sculpt my experience here without trying to silence others. They can say it, but I don't have to listen.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
These options are under your profiles edit options. These are what this site is about...

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LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Whatever you want it to be for you. For me its a sounding board. Nothing else.
Larsmet42 · 51-55, M
Great question, cause the people I’ve run across so far are usually friendly (ish)…..I’ve just started and finding my way around as well and I’ve had some people that want to chat and some people that want to dirty chat and some people that just disappear (could be me as well) but I try and treat people with respect and kind words cause the world is full of Billy’s and hate comments and it’s not needed. If you don’t agree, just move on!!
I like this place. It's what you make of it. There are some great people and of course questionable ones. As stated you have options at your command to filter undesirables. As in any social media setting there's a mix of people and thought processes. Don't take it too seriously, I'm sure you’ll find people you have common ground with. Have fun.
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
It is a mix of everything really !!

It has adult content , selfie photo posts , banters , FB community posts , opinions , some funny and few thoughtful ones.

Been here close to 6 years and I cannot figure out people on SW (mostly )

In one post they are serious and throw grenades at each other and in others they are cheekily hilarious and sarcastic.

If you are popular on here , you get attention and lot of comments. Otherwise you got to really work hard to find your own tribe here.

PS : Personal opinion only.

Have a great day.
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
No need to over complicate things. Just be yourself and trust your instincts.

I find it to be way to much work to try and be something im not. You will find honest and honrable peole here, but sometimes you have to sift through the dross.
This is like the site where we can be whoever we wanna be, people i think force themselves to behave somewhat in the fear of being blocked. Treat it with a grain of salt, some immaturity is a given, but goodness exists, even here.
Justme22 · M
Like all social media, this site is filled with what can be the worst in people, but there are enough good people to keep most interested in engaged. Sadly some seem only to be content when they are insulting or belittling others.
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melbeacher · 61-69, M
Thank you for your honesty
Your block button is your friend. Block the soul suckers and keep those around who build you up.
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