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what's everybody up to on this fine saturday?

i'm watching italy/swiss match, then the germany/denmark match...then heading downtown to watch the canada/chile match in a bar and then watching my league team play live...
Jarffff · 46-50
Watching USA women's track and field hurdles, soon i'll be alone and stuff.
i went and visited my mom and we watched mamma mia!
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Watching Italy vrs Switzerland.

League team?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@beermeplease I'm familiar with his unusual career path. He went to Sporting at a young age and didn't make the grade but then transformed his reputation with superb performances for a smaller Portuguese team.

Clarke is a Conservative coach and should have picked Gauld for the Scotland squad at least. I know it's a different level but Gauld could have added something that they badly lacked.
@Burnley123 we really like him, both his play and leadership. i was hoping to see him suit up for scotland
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@beermeplease I would have picked him but Clarke wouldn't change the system or the group. Watching them with such a poor attack in the Euros proved this a mistake.

Villa's John McGinn was overburdened on creative duties. Still, it's good for you because he's available for MLS games.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I have been catching parts of that match and was it true Italy only had one shot on goal? Or did I not hear the commentators correctly?
@SageWanderer yeah just one shot on goal
caccoon · 36-40
Home from market, gonna clean my apartment now 😊😊
DDonde · 31-35, M
Went for a run. Voice chatted with an old friend for a bit. Worked on a side programming project for a bit. Played a couple games.
Vegging, watching various cooking videos on youtube :)
@beermeplease My dream was to open a comfort food diner, nothing frou frou.
@NativePortlander1970 some of your posts here on sw of your creations are pretty comforting 😋
@beermeplease Thank You so very much Dearest Friend :)

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