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I know I talk a lot.. but I wanted to share some of my legal issues since I never do

I've been drinking for a long time. I started at age 11 & I have many many stories there, but I'll try to stick to the point here.

I've said this here in questions before but I learned to drive by drinking 🤷 nobody would teach me because I was a "bad kid", so I would steal cars with my friends while we drank & thats how I first started driving. That made driving sober easy as hell to me but it also made me feel way too comfortable with drinking & driving. Even as I got my life together & worked to make better decisions, I was still always drinking. & Since I always had places to go, I never thought twice about driving drunk. I did it just fine & never had a problem.

Until the day I drove my car into that wall. Some of you know that story. But it wasn't because I was drinking, it wasn't because I lost control, that was a decision I made & intentionally acted on.

Anyway, while I stood in court, the judge read my case out loud to me. I was the last person standing in the courtroom so she could take as much time on me as she wanted. I was being charged with "super extreme DUI" which is the highest level of intoxication you could get.
When she finished reading it all she looked at me & I thought she was about to law down the law on me.

She told me (I'll quote the exact way I remember her words),
"Son, you are only 23 years old. The only people I see come in here with a super extreme DUI, are middle aged men who have been drinking their whole lives, or college girls who are reckless & simply don't know their limit.
You seem different to me. The fact that your alcohol level was so extreme & you were driving perfectly fine without any indication of you being impaired, tells me that you've been doing this for a very long time. Not just drinking for a long time, but you've been drinking & driving for a long time too. Because most people with your alcohol level won't be able to even SEE the vehicle they're getting into, let alone drive it.

I think you're a smart young man & that perhaps you have a real problem you may need to address".

She said more but those are the main points I remember.
Judges aren't required to lecture you, sympathize with you, or anything like that but even the look in her eyes was watery & her voice sounded like she might cry. My guess is that maybe I reminded her of someone in her life... idk.

A year later though I was still doing the same shit. I felt bad for it but I didn't change. Then one day I got pulled over driving home from work. I got stopped for a broken headlight but I was drinking a beer as I was driving once again.
My license was still suspended from my first DUI so he was making me call someone to pick me up but he decided he wasn't going to tow my car (he was giving me a huge break for that). He didn't acknowledge the alcohol in the car at all until the very end after my ride showed up.

He asked me "hey one more thing, have you been drinking tonight?" & I said no.
His response was,
"Well I could tell you off that bat, thats a lie. Because I can smell the alcohol on you & I can see the open beer bottle hidden in your backseat. But don't worry, you're still free to go. I just want to address that because your license is currently suspended over a DUI. If I were to charge you for this right now, this could really screw you. You're too young to destroy your life like this & I could tell that you have people in your life who care about you & who would want to help you. I think maybe you need that help".

Once again, I was shocked by a complete stranger, someone who should've been laying down the law, showing me that they were truly worried for me. I'm sorry to say though, that even though I was touched.. I still did not stop or change.

I got my next (& last) DUI a year ago.
I was drinking all day every day at the time because I was still extremely depressed, even worse than before. Driving place to place keeping the party going wherever I went. I went to my moms one night & I stopped drinking at midnight & stayed awake all night trying to sober up before heading home.
At 7am I started heading home. My mom tried making me stay & sleep but I wouldn't listen. I wanted to go home. I felt mostly sober but I was completely tired & drained.

I fell asleep at the wheel while getting off the freeway. I didn't hit anyone or anything. I was stationary. But I woke up to cops taking the keys out of my car & pulling me out so I instantly knew I was screwed this time.

I was hit with multiple charges that time. One was because I had a gun on me as well (which isn't illegal here) but since there was a bullet hole in my windshield (not even from that night, thats a different story), they threw in "disorderly conduct with a deadly weapon".
So in one stop I got hit with aggravated DUI, gun charges, drug charges, all of which are felonies.

I still haven't gone to court. Quite honestly, I'm currently what they consider "wanted".
I have a few warrants for my arrest & I'm being extremely careful these days because if I come into contact with police, all they have to do is check my name then I'm getting arrested.

I know I need to take care of it & I know that some people in my life think I'm just running from it.

I've been arrested many times in my life but never had to stay for a long time before. I'm not trying to run from that because I don't wanna face my consequences... I'll take responsibility for my actions. I'm just afraid of getting screwed by the courts & the system. Because I'm gonna have to serve time regardless, I'm just trying to make it as little as possible or maybe even get work release or something.
Because walking in with my current charges & no good lawyer, will easily land me anywhere between 8 months-10 years.

I'm spending my days right now trying to get my life together & seriously change. I don't wanna go in front of a judge & lie that I'm doing better. I wanna go in front of a judge & prove it. Show it. I want to work with people that truly need me where I make good enough money to pay for a lawyer who actually cares about me & is trying to help me.

Because with I'm the position I'm in now, every lawyer I called, I can't afford... & most don't even sound like they believe me or give a damn when I tell them my story.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. Idk who would even read all this & stay interested. But if you did then thank you. I could say so much more but I tried to keep it direct enough.
Despite my username though, I don't drink like I used to. I don't even like the feeling of being "drunk" anymore. I think my whole life I always "drank to get drunk".

Like once you have a drink, you have to have another, & another, & its never enough until you're wasted & ready for bed.
Idk how but somehow I got over that this year. I'll have a beer or a few some nights, but this year I've only been drunk maybe, 3 times 🤔 all of which, were events I was hanging out with people though. Not by myself like I used to do.

I just had to realize that drinking was ruining my life. Not because I couldn't handle it... but because I couldn't stop drinking it even when I knew that hopping in my car might land me in prison.
I don't tell people any of this because I'm ashamed of it. Drunk driving has taken so many lives & I could never live with myself if I hurt anybody. I understand theres people who have lost loved ones to drunk drivers. I always have this fear of someone finding out I did the same crime that once killed someone they love. I wouldn't blame them for hating me. I'll take that. It's like I feel sorry even though the only person I hurt is myself.
Dewkissedrose · 46-50, F
It’s clear that you are maturing and taking more responsibility for yourself. I do hope you are able to continue making positive changes in your life.

That judge definitely saw someone before her who was hurting. She has seen a lot and recognized that you weren’t the same as everyone else. She sensed your story was different. If a complete stranger can tell that about you, then you should heed their words.

I don’t normally continue even responding to people who are a lot younger than me because it can be odd, but I’ve sensed something good in you for a while. I mean, heck, you could have been a student of mine. But even then, there would have been a high chance that my heart would have wanted to see you succeed because that is who I am.

I’m proud of the changes you’ve made so far, and I do hope you can prove to everyone that you are worth rooting for.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Dewkissedrose yeah idk if that judge would even remember me.. & I may not have learned immediately but I held on to her words & remember them well. I still wonder why she felt so strongly for me but I appreciate that she did.

But thank you for that. I notice your reactions & responses, I never think its weird 😌 I appreciate that you would've wanted to see me succeed, that's the teacher in you 🙏
Tbh, most people that believed in me before, eventually lost hope. I did nothing for so long, threw my life away for so long, that even people who used to root for me, gave up on me.
But thats okay because I'm doing it for me now. Not to prove anything to anyone anymore
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@ChiefJustWalks I believe you are heeding those caring voices. I hope with all my heart that you succeed. You will be so amazing and helpful to others when you get to the other side of this. You will be an inspiration!❤️
I remember you telling me this story.
I think you’ve come a long way and you’re handling this situation so well. I know to most people and probably even you at times this seems like a road block and a dead end for you, but I think it’s just the start of you becoming and growing into the person you’ve always wanted to be but never thought you had the courage to become. ❤️
And I’m sure at times it doesn’t feel that way or even feel as if you’re maturing into the person you wanna be, but you are. I see so much growth and good change in you and I’m so proud of you💕.
You’re always so courageous and brave for sharing your story on here.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Stark thank you Starky 🥺 you're amazing. It does feel like a hell of a road block that idk how tf to get past sometimes but I have so much life left still that by the end of it this will probably be nothing. It's tough in the moment though lol.
Btw it warms my heart that you commented in the middle of the night when you really need your sleep 🖤 so adorable
CestManan · 46-50, F
I would think if someone were facing legal issues, they would not want to discuss it with anyone other than those who need to know. I am not trying to tell anyone what to post or not though.

The crap thing about trying to avoid the police though is even if YOU are careful, what if some idiot wrecks into your car and of course the cops show up?

Working in your favor though is at least you can somehow prepare for the legal battle ahead of time.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@CestManan yeah you're right lol. Typically because anything can be used against you 🤷 but I feel safe on SW to a degree. As long as I'm not part of any active crimes or investigations, I dont think any courts will dig so deep to discover my anonymous accounts to use against me in a case where nobody was hurt. But yeah I'm typically mindful of that when speaking on it 🙏
Its a messed up world you never know how they'll try to paint you in court
CestManan · 46-50, F
@ChiefJustWalks Yeah something like your charges, I doubt they would investigate real deep.
I have been in court a few times - once trying to contest a parking ticket, another cause I didn't have my insurance info when pulled over (that got dropped when I went to court with said info), Jury duty selection, once when I had to have some legal documents altered voluntarily, and the last time I accompanied a friend to court because she had a class B misdemeanor for vandalism.

In all but the last time, the judges were indifferent and professional.
For my friend though, the judge was acting like Judge Judy on the rag to everyone. He asked one guy who had been sitting in jail why he lost his job. 🙄 It's like, "Well you syphilis-infested scrotum sack licker, maybe cause I was sitting in here with yo stupid ass!"

Of course he said something about if people didn't show up to court, - "I will send this guy after you!" and pointed to his bailiff who is some 300 pound cop. The cop looked nervous like, "Does that mean I would have to get off my lard ass?" Catch criminals, that bacon grease sweating pig could not even catch diabetes.

Yeah this court was in some all white small town where the judge would sh*t a brick if he ever met a real criminal like we have in big cities.
I tried to kill my boyfriend at the time in our own bed because I was convinced he was gonna kill me. I’ve flushed my medication in bouts of mania and cut my own wrists, trying to end it all. I’m the last person to judge. I just got one question.
@ChiefJustWalks I’m a schizophrenic. It don’t change. It is what it is. You want to change, why don’t you do it?
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@JustGoneNow i am doing it 🤷 thats the point of this post
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astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
Wow... dude your story is insane and i really applaud and respect you for coming forward with it here. If what you say is all true then you've made big changes this year and that's huge. I did my time with alcohol and it made me feel in top of the world every night. I would lose myself with drinking and smoke so much weed also. Im not harping on weed but for me personally it was making me lazy ans ruining my ambitions and drive in live. I had to make the decision to stop.
When i decided to quit i cried myself to sleep most nights because i missed alcohol so much. It was my best friend.
We have to make decisions in life to better ourselves and im happy to hear you've made some of those decisions.
Regarding your potential jail time... i don't have great advice for that. I hope the best for you and that if you're to get caught you have to serve the minimum. Owning up to it shows maturity on your part.
Good luck dude! Hope it all turns out for the best.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@astrosandorbits I get you man. I smoke a lot of weed right now which is funny because the past year or two I slowed that down a lot only to pick it up again. Which I agree, nothing wrong with it but I'm learning to put things aside & save stuff like that for whenever I have the time for it & not making it a lifestyle like it's always been for me.
I'm glad you quit & even though it was hard it turned out to be worth it. Thanks for sharing here man 🙏
Ontheroad · M
You have my respect. Admitting this is not easy and actually trying to do something about it is even harder. I can't tell you the number of young men, and a few women too, that I worked with that had similar backgrounds. None had been yet been busted for felonies, but were on their way there. I watched them struggle, work through their bad decisions, slip, then get back up and go at it again. Some failed, most made it and they made it because they made the decision to do it. Stick with it, stay on the path you are on. Yes, you are eventually going to have to pay the piper, but if you stay strong, the system may not lock you up and throw away the keys. I'm hoping they won't. You sound ready to get your life tougher and I'd be proud to call you a friend.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Ontheroad shits rough, I went through my whole youth not getting caught for all kinds of shit I should've got caught for, or getting light charges, then boom multiple felonies 😅🤦
But thanks man. I get the feeling even if I could get the drug & gun charges dropped, I'd still have to face the DUI. So who knows, maybe I could even get that dropped from being a felony if I do well enough & make the right choices. My goal is to do 6 months or no time at all. I dont wanna be wasting years of my life in there when I could spend that time going somewhere & doing better
I read all of it.
This is going to sound like bad advice, but dont turn yourself in yet. Like you said, you need to be able to show that you've changed.
No matter how guilty you feel, how hard it is, carry on doing what you do now. The time will come for recompense, if it comes.

I want to add, i have a close friend who is going through much of what you went through. He's drinking daily, not going to work, just wasting his life now. I dont know how to reach out to him, i've tried.
i wish he would stop before something really bad happens. Idk why i'm saying all this, i guess i need some way to reach into his mind
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@SW-User yeah I feel like most people might tell me to turn myself in because I'm only making it worse but idk.. I feel like I have what it takes to actually use this time to work in my favor, rather than against me.

The sad thing about your friend is no one can reach him. He has to come to that conclusion on his own. You can talk, & tell him him how you feel. Show that you care so that he knows he not alone. But you can't help him realize anything. Typically we gotta hit rock bottom before we start realizing we can't keep throwing our lives away
@ChiefJustWalks i guess you're right, he has to hit bottom. That is what i'm afraid of. What if he accidentally kills someone driving drunk or some other shiet.

Anywho, yes use this time wisely. You're good folk from the way you write.👍
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
I understand hardship and changing your life. I think your well on your way by how you talk about it. Just got to hold it together till the end.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@GuyWithOpinions thanks opinion guy... I like your name btw lol
Iwillwait · M
You've come a long ways.

All I can say is, "Stay Strong, Seek GOD, and count your Blessings each and every day."
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Iwillwait good advice 👌
Foreverconfused · 56-60, F
I almost said you don’t talk more than I do…. Lol

Here’s what I believe: When the time is right, you’ll go to court, and you will have to do what you have to do. According to that judge , but for now, just live your best version of you.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Foreverconfused yeah, I think so too. That's what it gets down to really 🤷 there's no letting shit go theres only dealing with it & it's only a matter of when & how bad it turns out
Foreverconfused · 56-60, F
@ChiefJustWalks but your innocence in all this is what’s kept you safe. Now that you know better , I hope you have truly listened to what you’ve been taught. We are alllllllllll cheering for you. Decent people are like that you know. Someday you will give innocent people a leg up when it’s sincerely needed.
Classified · M
Do your friends know that you quit drinking?
It wouldn't be good if they somehow got you back into drinking.

It's a great effort that you are making to stop and you're so far with it already. 😃
Classified · M
@ChiefJustWalks So you reduced. Isn't that even harder than plain quitting? 😅
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Classified in theory, yeah maybe 😅 but tbh I just doesn't really satisfy me anymore unless I'm in the mood for it. When I'm not in the mood for it I just hate the way it feels now. Idk why 🤔
Classified · M
@ChiefJustWalks Well it's good to hate it if you used to have too much, so that's profit. 😃
RebelFox · 36-40, F
Alcohol is a mess. Good for you for being real about it. I also can’t stop drinking once the fun starts, so I quit almost 10 years ago. I stick to weed and psychedelics. They’re more healing, alcohol is a mess 😂
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@RebelFox yeah I feel like alcohol didn't have to be a bad thing, but i also think it's extremely easy for it to be a bad thing. So eh, I'm not against it but I don't wanna spend my life drinking. I love weed but I find myself even viewing that as less important as I get older. I'll always like it, it's just not a priority to me like it used to be
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'm really proud of you for working to bring positive change and growth in your life. I truly hope the judge will see and hear that someday. 🍀
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Starcrossed shit.. it would be the coolest thing to even somehow get the same judge whenever I do finally go through it. Maybe she'd remember me & maybe that would be cool to show her a difference
MellyMel22 · F
I think everything you’ve been through has shaped you into the person that you need to be.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@MellyMel22 thank you Mel 😌
ExtremeNext · 31-35
My answer has disappeared 😔
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@ExtremeNext people block you? How rude 😮 yeah I mean, I can say things not really fitting for the situation quite often so I don't hate or get mad about it. I'm sorry if I made you feel pushed away or anything 🤗
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@ChiefJustWalks if you are feeling guilty a gift might cheer me up 🙄
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@ExtremeNext 🙄😂
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
This makes me sad to read. I wasn't much different when younger, but I got lucky. There was one night in particular but yeah... You seem like a decent person who's made bad choices and I'm glad you're still around after choosing the wall. I wish you the best.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Turtlepower thanks man. I be out here tryin' & stuff 😌👌
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I read through it. Thank you for sharing this, I think it’s helpful to people here that are wanting to make a change I their life.

I really hope that when you do turn yourself in, you are shown leniency 💖
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@ChiefJustWalks I honestly hope that doesn’t happen. I can’t imagine what you are feeling. I keep telling you to write a book. All of these experiences could really help people.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@iamonfire696 that would be cool to do something with my words & stories.. idk if a book would be my type of move. But perhaps something 🤔
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@ChiefJustWalks you need to do something with your stories. A podcast or something like that?
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