It's 2:30AM right now and 16°F outside and this is the 4th night in a row I am without heat or hot water. I will complain again in the morning, they will try to fix it and say it's fixed, but it won't happen.
I find that when people are treated horribly like this that going to the media is thr best course. It shames people into doing what is right. For example, here in a larger city, a handicapped child had no working elevator in her building for 8 days. The story was brought to the tv station. It was fixed in 24 hours. Local news channels love helping people. Can you do this? It is beyond words that you must suffer like this.
@NativePortlander1970 I live in Canada. Things are different here. Big cities? Would deal onebon one with landlord using whatever way works best. In his face even. Same with small cities. Legal aid is useless. Went that route. Got evicted as the apartment was illegal. How's that? And rented it out illegally again! The other time was wasted too. All paperwork to no avail.
You sound like you live in a apartment building or similar
I live in the middle of nowhere in northern Wisconsin I have to be dependent on myself and my family. No neighbors to check on us, no cellphones to call for help. We been living like this for 20 years now.
For emergency heat, I have two barrels bolted together to make a barrel stove. Sitting on the back porch. It will go in when crap fails.
For hot water I have pipes running though the heat exchanger part of the barrel stove. The pipes have quick connects
For water in case of power outages. I have hand pumps that pump water the old fashion way without electricity
Last winter rcord numbers of people in europe died during the winter. Nope, wasnt worst winter ever, nope wasnt covid. Its beacuse the couldnt afford the cost of new green energy. They froze in their homes
I just had an email saying the management is aware of the problem and a tech will get around to it sometime today. Apparently I'm not the only tenant experiencing this for 4 days!
@flipper1966 Not funny. I live in Denver. No heat, no hot water in over a week. This isn't how America is supposed to be. And I pay outrageous rent to live in a slum. Not funny.
My landlord jury rigged our boiler but the boiler guys are always able to fix it in one go..there are laws about these situations in most places....light a fire under his butt and say you'll go higher up in your complaints
@NativePortlander1970 Only had one decent one in decades of renting. One even left for a holiday right after I told him we had no hot water! They care about money only.