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What to do? Warts

I have this wart for years I once cut it with a nail cutter and it just grew back, now I tried ligating it with thread and this is the result, I think there's still some wart inside the wound, wtd?

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Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
Don't cut it and don't touch that open wound now. It will spread. there are many treatments out there but an easy one is keeping it covered with duct tape for a few weeks and it will die and fall off. Best way is see a dermatologist :D
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
My daughter had one and the Dr froze it off. They're fill d with bacterias
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Warts are common, theu are caused by a virus, you know like cold sores (diff virus tho)
They go into the epidermal layer.
I think there's creams that fix them .

Edit: you'd best cover it now with a bandaid - coz now you've opened it, it can cause infection or spreading of the wart.

Also wash it - soap ruptures thr outter membrane of many viruses and kills them. (Not that this will kill the wart -.its too deep, but itll help stop the spread .
YoMomma ·
I heard use compound w
Lowkey · M
Red wine vinegar!! Don't underestimate it!
DustyPotato · 22-25, M
It's back 😭

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