swirlie · F
I fully agree with you. Whenever we do anything ..like a specialized job or we make a career choice where we'd literally do the job for no pay because we love doing it so much, I have come to understand this to mean "following our calling" in life, more so than it being a choice we made to do something that we somehow stumbled upon by random chance.
When we are doing our calling in life, we are fulfilling what we were suppose to do in this lifetime at that time in our lifetime and hopefully, we can make money at doing what we love to do best! If we weren't suppose to be doing it however, we wouldn't be doing it, it's as simple as that!
There comes a time as you say, when we finally fulfill our calling in life and suddenly we awaken one morning and get straight with ourselves by admitting to ourselves that we really don't need to this job or career choice anymore, which usually occurs after we have Master it.
Once we have Mastered something, there is no real motivation to continue to do it because once something is Mastered, there is no further growth from that job or action we just love doing. That is when you know that you have in fact Mastered something regardless of what it is, because now you can put it up on the shelf and move on from it without hesitation and without guilt, no matter how much you had enjoyed doing it over your lifetime.
Professional sports players often reach this pinnacle in their career when they finally Master their game, at which point they publicly announce their retirement from the sport because there's nowhere else for them to got if they've already reached the top-end of "The Best".
When we are doing our calling in life, we are fulfilling what we were suppose to do in this lifetime at that time in our lifetime and hopefully, we can make money at doing what we love to do best! If we weren't suppose to be doing it however, we wouldn't be doing it, it's as simple as that!
There comes a time as you say, when we finally fulfill our calling in life and suddenly we awaken one morning and get straight with ourselves by admitting to ourselves that we really don't need to this job or career choice anymore, which usually occurs after we have Master it.
Once we have Mastered something, there is no real motivation to continue to do it because once something is Mastered, there is no further growth from that job or action we just love doing. That is when you know that you have in fact Mastered something regardless of what it is, because now you can put it up on the shelf and move on from it without hesitation and without guilt, no matter how much you had enjoyed doing it over your lifetime.
Professional sports players often reach this pinnacle in their career when they finally Master their game, at which point they publicly announce their retirement from the sport because there's nowhere else for them to got if they've already reached the top-end of "The Best".
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I think I will enjoy gardening forever.