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I'm Afraid That I'll Be Single Forever

i’m hardly even that likable, i don’t know what made me think someone would love me. i don’t know how but i think i’ll have to learn how to keep going without ever knowing that love
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ProudAlaskan · 61-69, M
Life alone is hard. Its hard finding people that you feel like your on the same level with, and there is no standard on the length of time it takes to find companionship.
You can find a friend everyday of the week, but finding a true life long friend takes a life time.

Enjoy the small things, and if you don't have a pet get one!

I never thought I'd make it to fifty and I certainly didn't think I'd be alone the rest of my life. Time changes everything. Just waiting on time!
AnarchoMetalchic · 41-45
I'm probably the least likeable person I know, and I've been proposed to 4 times by the time I was 29. Trust me, someone out there will find you perfect.
plutodarling · 31-35, F
@AnarchoMetalchic must be nice. i’m thinking my cards don’t stack that way, i’d be lucky to get to one in my entire life 😅
AnarchoMetalchic · 41-45
@plutodarling If your displayed age is correct, you are SO young. You have lots of time.
Pherick · 41-45, M
What??? You can totally find love, what do you think would cause you be unlikable?
Pherick · 41-45, M
@plutodarling One thing I have noticed, personally and just by observation, that so many "negatives" we think we have are not really that negative :)

Or are not recognized by other people as a real negative.

For example, you might say "Oh I snore", that's a negative. Personally, I couldn't care less, wouldn't bother me.
plutodarling · 31-35, F
that’s fair. hopefully that’s true
Pherick · 41-45, M
@plutodarling I have always found the best people I have met in life are usually ones I meet doing something I like. Or atleast they are people more likely to enjoy my company :)

Best of luck to you!
Cowboybob · M
I’m sure you have wonderful qualities that people will love.
plutodarling · 31-35, F
@Cowboybob here’s hoping
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
I think you may surprise yourself. Bet you are more likeable than you think.
Come on girl.☺️
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
If I found someone, anyone can.

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