As a tiktok comment section would sayDayum, #needthat, #bringthatovahere, I am on my knees for this, lyrics what I’m boutta do to it, okay guys who took my pants, both of them getting it tn, oh i’ve got NOTHING respectful to say, my fyp when I’m hungry, fine shyt was made with patience... See More »
This is getting deleted laterMy friend texted me this: “I saw your stuff at the store. I didn’t buy it but I want one… why would I buy it when we’re friends? I’d just have you take one and send it to me.” And I haven’t responded because… what?? I don’t just get unlimited... See More »
Did you see how i stayed calm and classy after my friend turned the garbage disposal on with my breakfast right next to itVery demure
Do you guys actually log out of sw when you’re done scrolling for the dayPeople actually do that…? That’s possible…?