exexec · 70-79, C
The acceleration of gravity in a vacuum is 32 ft/sec^2. I don't know why I can't forget that.
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Northwest · M
You're in the wrong spot. This section is about Chemistry.
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Northwest · M
Linus Pauling did not describe the four quantum numbers of the hydrogen atom. That was done that was established by other scientists: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and Dirac.
But I'm kind of lost here, and don't understand where Hund fits in.
I was simply stating that Quantum chemistry deals with molecules and chemical systems, explaining their properties and behavior at the atomic level while Love & Attention is not explained at the atomic level. For instance, it's not about my neurons. :-)
Actually, the energy levels of hydrogenic atoms is basic fare in quantum mechanics, solved in spherical coordinates in any undergrad course in quantum mechanics, and showing the origin and significance of the quantum numbers n, l, m...which determine the electronic levels and (with Pauli's symmetry principle ["exclusion principle"] how many electrons can be stored in each level.
With Hund's rules, you end up getting the atomic electronic configurations which are the starting point for chemistry.
My friend Linus wrote about this...
With Hund's rules, you end up getting the atomic electronic configurations which are the starting point for chemistry.
My friend Linus wrote about this...
Linus Pauling did not describe the four quantum numbers of the hydrogen atom. That was done that was established by other scientists: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and Dirac.
But I'm kind of lost here, and don't understand where Hund fits in.
I was simply stating that Quantum chemistry deals with molecules and chemical systems, explaining their properties and behavior at the atomic level while Love & Attention is not explained at the atomic level. For instance, it's not about my neurons. :-)
SomeMichGuy · M
Of course the original solution to the Schrödinger equation for a hydrogenic atom was done before Pauling (apparently by Schrödinger, himself, in 1925, giving the three [non-spin] quantum numbers I mentioned).
But, as I said, Pauling wrote about it (in the context of chemistry; he pushed how chemistry springs from quantum mechanics in his chemistry book republished by Dover).
Hund's Rules are necessary because the hydrogenic atom is, by definition, one with a single electron. Hund's Rules help to specify how the additional electrons are added into atoms for Z ≠ 1, so that you can get the rest configuration of neutral atoms as given in, say, Gasiorowicz' Quantum Physics.
That's the starting point of chemistry.
But yes, this is another misposting.
Linus Pauling did not describe the four quantum numbers of the hydrogen atom.
Of course the original solution to the Schrödinger equation for a hydrogenic atom was done before Pauling (apparently by Schrödinger, himself, in 1925, giving the three [non-spin] quantum numbers I mentioned).
But, as I said, Pauling wrote about it (in the context of chemistry; he pushed how chemistry springs from quantum mechanics in his chemistry book republished by Dover).
Hund's Rules are necessary because the hydrogenic atom is, by definition, one with a single electron. Hund's Rules help to specify how the additional electrons are added into atoms for Z ≠ 1, so that you can get the rest configuration of neutral atoms as given in, say, Gasiorowicz' Quantum Physics.
That's the starting point of chemistry.
But yes, this is another misposting.
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
Um..that periodic table tho, amirite?
Those protons don't stop protoning
Those protons don't stop protoning
simjks4 · 22-25, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo mhm and they’re positive kinda like me when you’re around tbh
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Up quark, down quark. (That's all I got)
simjks4 · 22-25, M
@ineedadrink respect. That’s 2/3 of the universe’s mass
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simjks4 · 22-25, M
@Mindfulness and blows!!
If you pass through the event horizon of a black hole your anus will travel through your body at 99.8% of the speed of light as you turn inside out. That's facts.