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So....I couldn't find an indian/halal grocery store in my area. The nearest one was 2hr walk away, and 1 hr something if I took trains/buses. So anyway....because I had only had egg and bologna sandwich for the whole week...I suddenly had the energy to travel all the way to the indian took a train and two buses...and ...I bought a HELL LOT OF STUFF bcz yknow I can't travel so much every week! I had packed everything in bags....I realised....I couldn't carry them all the way back lmaaooo, the bags were literally tearing at the seams xD and the weight was too much for my arms lolololol.

so,....I finally had to call a cab🤡...which is crazy expensive here guys 😭no cab rides are less than 20 euros. I downloaded uber and called one, the dude was really sweet, and I didn't have enough money for the ride. I was 3 euros short. I still tried to count all the coins and gave him another euro. 21 euros. He picked the groceries and dropped them at the door too. Such a kind man.

How do people on a budget do groceries?

I'm thinking of buying a wheely cart. That I can carry as I walk to the bus stops etc. I can't afford ubering around every few weeks. It's too expensive.
robb65 · 56-60, M
There's a freezer on my back porch we could live out of for a while if we had to. I'm in the woods between two small towns, it's about 12 miles from here to Walmart. It's about 50 miles from here to a relatively big city. Maybe every other month or so we make a trip there and stock up on bargains that we can't find here. Between trips we pick up basics about once a week.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@assemblingaknob Out here transportation is a must.
ffony · M
@robb65 Our situation is a lot like yours. I sometimes shudder thinking what we'd lose if our crammed-full chest freezer suffered a power outage of much more than a day or so. Not only would we lose food & its cost: Disposing of the spoilage would itself be a significant problem (despite having a compost pile.).
robb65 · 56-60, M
@ffony We're almost at the end of the line so if there's ever a major outage we're about the last to get power back. It's been a long time, probably before we actually got a freezer but i can remember a 3 day outage and another that lasted closer to a week. One of those ( I think the 3 day) was in the winter and the other in the fall. (Opal, Oct '95). At the time my parents had a smallish generator and we shuffled it back and forth between their place and ours to keep the fridges going. We usually don't have major damage from hurricanes this far inland but when Opal came through the power outage was so widespread we couldn't even buy ice here. I hauled several bags from the town where I worked in the floorboard of my truck wrapped in carpet padding.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
dont worry about the halal stuff
Elessar · 26-30, M
Why not public transportation?

Calling a taxi/Uber in Europe is something that for the most part only Americans do, and the textbook definition of American in the unwritten book of European businesses is "someone who was plenty of money to squeeze"

Saw this girl spending like €100 to get from Bologna to Florence, when public transportation would've gotten her there with like €15 lol, and there's a bus every hour iirc
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@Elessar the bags were very heavy. I couldn't carry them all the way to the bus stop without tearing them, plus I was unable to lift that amount of weight.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@Elessar although I made it to the grocery store in at least 1 hour, if not more, via a train and 2 bus rides
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
@Elessar textbook Americans consider time as a major factor when making those kinds of decisions. Get a ride straight there right now or wait an hour for a bus thats going to take an hour to meander its way there, stopping at every other block along the way. ..then there's what to do with all the groceries in the bus on the way back. (Slapping back the hands of the homeless vagrants who keep sorting through your groceries when you're not looking. ..and what are you going to tell them when they ask you if you have anything to eat..? Lol🤭joke joke)
We have food deserts (no grocery stores) in the US; you are indicating a particular TYPE of food desert!
You gotta do what you gotta do
[image deleted]
ArtieKat · M
Are you still in Dublin, @assemblingaknob?
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
ArtieKat · M
@assemblingaknob I'm surprised you are having such difficulty with shopping!
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@ArtieKat i'm not in the city center. I'm in the suburbs. So things are quite scattered.
I got into the habit of having groceries delivered during the pandemic, and I find it costs less than calling a cab there and back.
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard also, you stick to your list that way..
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard yeah i'm gonna do just that once my bank account is all set up, they don't really have cash on delivery here for most apps.
@Jayciedubb Another good point.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
Back packs
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@NinaTina id neeed a really huge one 💀 but i think I'll get one!

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