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Have you ever been tickle forced out of bed?

I have many times. I like to sleep in and my hubby will tickle me out of bed sometimes to get me up. I can't stand to being woken up to tickles. I do get my revenge on him. He's super ticklish himself so I get him back easily. :))
Carla · 61-69, F
Tickle me and get hurt.
I find tickling those that dont like it to be sadistic.
But if you like it, and he likes🙂
Carla · 61-69, F
@dreamshade it works the other way with me. My reflexes dont go to laughter, but to anger.
@Carla For me everyone knows the knee-jerk reaction is going to be painful.
dreamshade · 26-30, M
@Carla being tickled annoys me so baddd. I can't be held responsible if I deck the person tickling me, I'm not responsible for any injuries if someone tickles me.
ugh same i use it as an excuse to get bratty with him 🤐
dreamshade · 26-30, M
@SW-User 🤭🥴
exexec · 61-69, C
I have an older sister. When she was a teenager and had a friend spend the night with her, they loved to torment me by tickling me while I tried to hide under the covers. I was also trying to hide my erection, but they always won.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
Id lose my shit if someone did that to me
dreamshade · 26-30, M
@beetlebumdont It infuriates me and drives me up the wall when he does it to me. It's one way to make me wake up in an instant bad mood. There are many ways to wake a person up, but tickling them awake is too much for someone as ticklish as me.
beetlebumdont · 22-25, F
@dreamshade kill him
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
My brother let the dog into my room in the morning. The dog did the rest.
I’m very ticklish
dreamshade · 26-30, M
@TxOutlawTyler Me too, haha.

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