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There’s an interesting paradox in people where choosing to suffer is directly correlated with the will to live.

Initially that might seem like it doesn’t make any sense. I mean how can people who purposely choose the things they don’t want to do every day… how can anyone want that kind of life? Isn’t it about the opposite? Doing things you enjoy?

Well, think of it like this. Every time you get up and make the choice to do something that really sucks. I mean it’s miserable out there. Your body and mind are screaming at you in agony. When you choose that, you’re building your willpower. Again, you’re not forced or compelled. You take a deliberate action for pain while knowing you don’t have to.

Conversely if you take the easier path and you do whatever feels nice and pleases you. Your willpower shrinks. Now, wouldn’t you say those who can will themselves through difficultly have a deeper love for life than those who need a good time just to tolerate it?

When you decide to fight like hell through the worst of situations, but more importantly you remain open and ready for more, that represents your willingness to embrace all of life, even the bad, and that in turn is what gives somebody the kind of meaning which grants a purpose so powerful, there is no such thing as a problem they don’t appreciate.

This is why it’s so important to push hardest when you want to quit the most. It’s the same reason why you have to do your best work when you are the least motivated, it’s because it’s only then can you discover this world that you live in is the best thing to ever happen to you. So stop living for everything that made you, and start living for everything you make. Effort! Everything you got and then some. You want happiness? It’s not free.

If you’re ever in the middle of life’s struggles with all these stressors tearing you apart, and you have to wonder why. Why are you going through all this? It’s because you’re being given an opportunity to love, genuinely. To fulfill yourself, truly. Things you can’t do when everything goes your way.
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Very interesting note and a thoughtful response to finding a way through difficulties. Sometimes, though, it's just not much of a choice. Suffer or suffer more. Assuming the will to live is a prime driver (except where a mental health issue causes this to fail) we often just have to 'get on with it' until better days come, or we finally adjust to living with struggle. I like the point of giving genuine love as an end point.
Reject · 26-30, M
@FreddieUK Yes suffer or suffer more is very accurate. Much of life boils down to picking your poison, but even that is a choice. Even if as you say, not much of one. What I’m trying to say is that building your willpower is also your capacity to genuinely love. So the more suffering you sign up for, the deeper your love becomes and the happier your life as well. What’s lost on most people is that again, you have to choose it. You can’t be in a situation where you feel forced or the suffering loses its value. Even if you’re in a terribly unfortunate situation where your pain is inescapable, lean into it. Don’t flinch away. It’s a small action, but one that ensures you’re still building your willpower with choice.
💯 choose your hard 🫶🏻
@SW-User choose what I decide
Tarnished · 26-30, M
Guts just like me fr.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Tarnished 👍 Anime teaches us so much. It’s all the lessons your parents didn’t know.
Notes are supposed to be short.
Reject · 26-30, M
@rinkydinkydoink Not mine.
Not suffering is the possible choice, that denies sadistic enjoyment of any who would like that
Reject · 26-30, M
@pentagrammom I don’t know what kind of life you’ve lived, possibly a very privileged one if you really think not suffering is a choice. Suffering is inevitable for everyone. In one way or another.

you were put at birth into a piece of meat that's controlled by your brain

brain controls the body not you

you only control the algorithm for finding useful resources for the body

point of the body is to reproduce bodies as a species

only the will of the source of your being is free

but only chaos is absolutely free

Reject · 26-30, M
@fakable And it’s all an illusion, huh? Great.


chaos is divine order

illusion of separation from the whole gives rise to the illusory existence of the particular

i am alpha legion omega

Reject · 26-30, M
@fakable I’m happy for you.

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