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Would you be concerned, feel a little skeptical, or feel like you're walking on thin ice?

So I understand that people need to feel reassured to make themselves feel comfortable about a situation or with themselves. But when they overdo it to the point where one feels like the person comes off as skeptical in conversations where communicating with them feels like a quiz/test to the point where at times I would have to think about how to reply based on them sharing with me a conversation they had with someone they felt like it didn't go well. Majority of the time I have to reply back with humor, emojis, or nothing at all because it seems like they hold on or are keen to every little thing said or done that it might be best to communicate with them less and continue with my day minding my own business.
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That is walking on thin ice.
I'm also not responsible to make someone feel better about themselves at the expense of my health.
Personally, I would disengage.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
That honestly sounds like a headache. But personally, I'm straightforward and could care less on how people see me.
Sounds like way too much work to me.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Friendship and conversation is about being your genuine true selves. If this persons genuine true self is to confront you on everything you have to say then, screw em c: You should be able to be who you are and be validated for it.

It's an important understated lesson. Someone I know 20 years my senior does not understand this simple truth. I do NOT interact with them outside work pleasantries or business. Too toxic.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Tell them to "get with it and get real"

... also, they may be taking advantage of you being introverted
OpalFlower · 36-40, F
@BigGuy2 I just blocked the individual to get a peace of mind for a few days because the individual told me that she was blocked by two guys she was flirting with. If she does the same stuff with me to them also then yea I don't blame them. Even her cousin says less to her now and just imagine how that conversation to protect all parties and my inner peace blocky time.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@OpalFlower ... don't sugar coat it like that, say it as it is ... 🤭🤭🤭
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
As much as I hate to say this, but sometimes the effort isn't worth the extremely little reward we get in return. ☹️
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
👍👍👍 the reason i gave, is it a possibility 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

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