First thing is to put yourself first. Make sure you respect yourself before you can expect others to respect you. Everyone goes through lonely times. Keep positive . Your confidence is attactive
powernap · 56-60, M
I can definitely relate to your current plight.
Maybe you are trying to rush into things too fast? You're still very young
eyeno · M
Your not alone, no matter how young or old you are.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Same here only I couldn't care less if I put actual effort into it. There's not enough sand, barron rock and creosote brush on earth to satisfy me. I'm going to drop dead alone, fall off a 300 foot cliff. Splatter all over the rocks so the buzzards don't even have to chew. Then I'm going to haunt the F out of every old shack, trailer, mine and old truck carcass there is.
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