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krissychick · 36-40, F
Marriage is so hard. 9 year anniversary tomorrow and we’re doing nothing- we are like you guys- well, I didn’t cheat but he has definitely gotten distant. Even when I ask to talk or do something together, he doesn’t want to. I’m sorry you experienced that though, I can’t imagine!! 💙

TheArmyWife · 26-30, F
Did she admit to her infidelity? I'm sure that can be hard to handle
YaBaas · 36-40, M
@TheArmyWife Yep, she had to. She gave me her phone to read a joke and accidentally opened the wrong chat.
Moria810 · 56-60, F
I did the same thing after marriage, became introverted and estranged from my friends. Now I have no friends at all and my husband is more like a roommate. 😕
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Moria810 I have the same situation with my wife, we don't talk, we don't do things together, we only have sex once every couple of months. I feel like a handyman that gets laid once in a while if I complain enough. I do have a few friends that I can talk to so I have some kind of outlet but it is difficult feeling alone even when she is sitting right there but still doesn't have time for me.
Maybe focus on yourself for awhile, rediscovering the individual parts of yourself and things that make you happy. Then you might be in a better place to evaluate your marriage.

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